Join in to sleep better…
Sleep better

Okay, we usually sit too long and don’t get enough exercise. It used to be easy, you worked hard, moved a lot, took deep breaths, ate whatever the field or canned food had and fell into bed at night. There were hardly any sleeping problems.
And today?
Never before have people sat as much as they do today.
Never before have people eaten as much as they do today.
Never before have you gone to sleep so late because of the artificial light.
The result is that the breath is usually too shallow.
The energy gained through the breath is often halved.
Sleep is more restless due to time stress or other stress.
Consistency in two words?
Breath training!
Proper breathing can promote health and extend life.
Correct breathing can supply the organs better.
Correct breathing lets the cells in the body “bloom”.
Proper breathing can deepen your sleep.
Correct breathing makes you more self-conscious.
What can you do?
Choose the best suggestions below:
(It can be the same rite every evening, or it can be different every evening.)
1. Just watch your breath.
Observe the inhalation and exhalation.
You can say inwardly: on, off … on, off …
Do not change anything intentionally.
Just let it flow.
Thinking is reduced.
Always return to observation when distracted.
Usually the breath will lengthen on its own.
2. Let your breath get a little deeper.
Introduce yourself,. the breath goes in a gentle wave to the pelvic floor.
This deepens and extends the breath.
In a sense, you have the pelvic floor in your focus.
Calming occurs.
3. Consciously inhale and exhale long
This creates a very pleasant feeling.
You get very close to yourself inside.
Without counting.
4. Count to five at a time.
Count to five when inhaling and to five when exhaling …
At the end of each breath, add the word “relax”.
And relax again.
Always let go of everything with Relaxe.
5. Perform the 4-7-8 breath sequence.
Inhale from 1 to 4,
Stop from 1 to 7.
Relax from 1 to 8.
This breathing sequence has exceptionally good, energizing and at the same time calming effects.
To practice you can set the numbers 4,7,8,0 in “Your breathing training” and focus on the breathing process yourself with your eyes closed and without counting. In order not to have to count anymore , use the basic breathing exercise.
You achieve a strengthening and calming effect during the day and at night.
Further suggestions, which can deepen your breath:
It can also be very helpful to feel love
because love feelings towards yourself or other people
have something very calming and promoting relaxation.
How this feeling of love arises may be very different for everyone.
It can be the thought of a partner, of another loving person,
an erotic scene, a wonderful favorite landscape, a
featured, dear angel, god or goddess, a nice memory of the day
or from earlier times, a gentle wave rolling on the beach again and again.
Love scenes like “I love you … just like you are” etc.
result in particularly rapid deepening, relaxing breathing.
Soothing body points
Even if you put your thumb or one or more fingers gently on you
If the acupuncture point is set, this can increase the calming effect.
Have calming effects – already applicable before going to bed
Pe6, H7, K1, GV20. (Place 1 minute on each side)
Pe6 is particularly calming (works for insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, excitement)
Also H7 (works with sleep disorders, restlessness, weak nerves)
Or K1 (can be pressed)
Or GV20 (put your hand over the top of the skull. It dissolves tightness and expands awareness)