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The acid-base balance in the body
How important is the acid-base balance?
The acid-base balance is of enormous importance for a healthy life.
Many things in our everyday lives help to disrupt this natural balance.
For example, if you are permanently tired, tend to have inflammation, have brittle hair, experience inner or outer stress, or have prolonged discomfort, you should also think of the acid-base balance as a cause.
How important is the acid-base balance?
Acids are always formed in the body. Bases, however, must always be supplied from the outside. In order to reach a balance, the food should therefore be predominantly base-rich.
In addition, the body normally contains 80% bases and 20% acids. In a denatured, industrial production of food, it is the other way round.
The food should ideally contain 80% basic and 20% acid-forming foods.
Acid-forming foods should only be consumed in moderation. After all, they also contain valuable substances such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. Although protein sources are acid-forming, they are nevertheless important. However, one should ensure with protein suppliers that one combines a portion of protein with fruit, vegetables or salad.
In a predominantly basic diet you have to do without anything. Even “small sins” are allowed.
After all, the basic part in the body is also through exercise, abdominal breathing, drink plenty of water, less stress (often laugh times, often times relaxing well) and at least once a day sweating promoted.
Fruits and vegetables should come first in a healthy diet. Of course you can also eat meat, if you want it. But a good percentage of vegetable garnish should be combined with it as a balance. The industrially produced food unfortunately consists today to 80% of acid-forming components. The motto is: back to nature! Back to natural foods.
The great importance of the acid-base balance is also to be seen in the fact that a disorder can be the real cause of many symptoms. It does not last very much if you have skin problems, stomach problems, digestive issues, etc., and then only treat the symptoms, for example administering anti-inflammatory agents for heartburn or digestive agents, etc. More basic foods on the diet or omission of highly acidic ones Foods or drinks can often eliminate the cause rather than directly symptom-related tablets, so that inflammation even disappear only by increased intake of alkaline foods as if by itself.
Why is a predominantly acid-forming diet not good?
A predominantly acid-forming diet promotes inflammatory processes in the body. The permeability of the cell membranes is also severely disturbed. And one can imagine, which variety of illnesses can develop slowly from it. Many scientists say that an overly acidic condition in the body is responsible for most common diseases, whether it be skin, bones, joints, muscles, tendons, blood, circulation, intestines, hormones or organs.
Actually, there is hardly a complaint that is not favored by a hyperacidity of the body.
However, this is also understandable, because the body must constantly fight against hyperacidity and thus consumes a lot of energy.
Normally, the body itself provides a healthy acid-base balance! Above all, the blood must have a constant PH between 7.37 and 7.43. And that is really phenomenal, because there is a mechanism in the body that ensures that this value is actually always constant around 7.4. If the value threatens to sink, then the blood first tries to use itself with the body water in the lymphatic system. If it is not successful there, because the level is too low there too, then it turns to the blood-forming bones. This works normally very well. But if you are permanently over acidified, then it can be quite stressful for the body.
The pH of the cells is usually 7 – 7.2.
So-called latent acidosis affects up to 75% in Western nations.
How to check your acid-base balance yourself
Maybe it’s exciting for you to know if your body is in a healthy acid-base balance? Then you know about yourself at least better. It is said that the PH level should be above 7 at least once a day for the body to make the balance effortlessly. The value varies. In the morning he is often at 6 – 6.5. During the day he rises in larger waves of over 7, then back in the evening or at night.
The value can be checked even with test strips from the pharmacy. However, the color scale on the test strips can often not be recognized exactly because the colors can not be clearly read. It is better to buy a PH meter for 7 – 13 euros. Then one measures the PH value once a day, for example at noon, by collecting the urine in a small glass and holding the measuring device with the tip in it. The value can then be read within a few seconds. Of course, if you want to be more specific, you can measure several times a day to see when the score goes above 7.
Actually, because of the importance of balance, it should measure for more than 3-4 days, especially if it has chronic, recurring symptoms. If the value is more than 7 at least once a day, then you can at least consider hyperacidity as a cause of illness to be unlikely. It is even healthier if the value is predominantly over 7. It may also be interesting to measure the value 2 hours after ingestion to see if the previously ingested substances were predominantly basic or acidic.
The typical complaints of hyperacidity include:
Tiredness, sleep problems, drive weakness
a headache
Muscle cramps, – hardening
Joint complaints, rheumatism, osteoporosis
Impure skin, cold sores, acne, cellulite
Inflammation, longer lasting
hardening of the arteries
Diabetes II
Intestinal inflammation, gastritis, kidney stones, gallstones
Asthma, bronchitis
Chronic pain
Chronic acidity of the body can affect all life functions of the body due to the reduced permeability of the fluids, the greater energy consumption.
What can one do with an imbalance?
You can do a lot nowadays to achieve an acid-base balance. There are countless tips on the internet.
In addition to a predominantly basic diet, sufficient exercise, abdominal breathing, drinking plenty of water, avoiding too much stress and sweating through the skin (through exercise) will result in a healthy balance.
Incidentally, it is known that sour foods are sometimes basic. These include, for example, lemons. So it depends on what the body makes of each food. The PH value of the food itself is not necessarily crucial, but the PH value, which sets in the body about 2 hours after taking a food.
Rich in nutrition protects the bones, permeates the vessels, strengthens the skin and connective tissue, has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes general health.
On the Internet many tips for a base-rich diet are given. If you are interested, just enter Google’s “Basic Diet”.
What are konjak noodles or shirataki noodles?
An interesting tip impressed me: konjac noodles, also called shirataki noodles. They are extracted from the flour of konjac or shirataki roots. They surpass all basic foods in their high natural, alkaline content. They are higher in fiber than common wholemeal flour, are non-carbohydrates, can be produced within 1 minute, provide a good satiety, help the intestines, are calorie-free, quench the feeling of hunger, have been known in Asian countries for thousands of years, alleviate the rise in blood sugar levels after eating, regulate digestion, etc.
Just google “konjak noodles or shirataki noodles”
And what does Master Paracelsus say at the beginning of the 16th century?
“Man gebe dem Kranken keine ausgelaugten, entwerteten, verfeinerten, gebleichten, leicht gefärbten und mit allen erdenklichen Chemikalien haltbar gemachten “Sterbemittel”, sondern urgesunde und vollwertig naturnahe Lebensmittel, durch die allein die Sonne ihre Strahlen in uns schickt.”
Das kommt einem doch irgendwie sehr bekannt und aktuell vor, nicht wahr?
What is meant by PRAL?
If you have bought a small PH meter, then you can determine the PH effect of food itself. You can also find lists of Pral values (potential renal acid load). They indicate the change in pH after eating a food. Strictly speaking, however, the acid load of the kidney is measured. The higher the minus value, the more basic is the tested food.
The pral values of some foods are: potatoes -4.0; Kiwis -4.1; Carrots -4,9; Bananas -5.5; Blackcurrants -6,5; Fennel -7.9; Spinach -14.0; dried figs -18.1; Raisins -21,0;
Just google for PRAL tables…
Ein paar Ernährungstipps
– The diet should be varied.
– It should consist predominantly of vegetable substances.
– Protein-containing agents such as meat should preferably be eaten only twice a week.
– Fish should be there at least once a week.
– A milk product should be included once a day (milk, yoghurt, cheese for vitamin D and calcium).
– Hydrogen carbonate-rich (bicarbonate-rich) mineral waters (> 1000 mg / l) have a basic action
Other tips
– Take time for rest and relaxation.
– Take a few deep breaths in between.
(For example, breathe in the stomach 10 times deep right now?)
– Get exercise (and if you only dance on the spot, for example)
– Make sure that you feel completely well throughout the day
Are there any other supplements?
Yes, there are basic mineral salt combinations (calcium, magnesium, potassium).
Usually, however, a varied diet with a high proportion of vegetables and fruits is enough.