Treatment Tips
Clear your head

Treat the Head
More energy and efficiency
As a rule, one feels the head after the treatment pleasantly invigorated and pleasantly relaxed.
By treating the points, the corresponding energy channels are stimulated.
When the flow of energy is improved, headaches disappear.
Preliminary information
Choose from the following points those who appear to you the most meaningful and helpful in the situation in question. Every person is different. Adjust the treatment to the respective persons. For example, children sometimes only need to put their fingers on the places. Stronger people may also need a more powerful push, rub, or circling.
Unless otherwise stated, treat the points on each side of the body for 1 minute.
When clicking on a graphic / text, each point with all its effects can be displayed.
When clicking on a graphic / text, each point with all its effects can be displayed.
Important: Relaxed breathing during treatment enhances the effect.
Allow some time after each point to feel the effects.
Bamboo folded together (B2) Location: At the corner of the eye socket edge and nose
Effect: Frees energy path in face, forehead, head area.
Press lightly against the edge of the eye socket with both thumbs or both middle fingers for 1 minute. You can also move your fingers up and down and rub the skin in place. Or draw small circles with your fingers … press gently in a circle. Possibly. pinch slightly.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
You can clearly perceive a pleasant revival and relaxation of the forehead …
Seal Hall (E x t r a p o i n t Yintang)Location: On the middle between the eyebrows
Effect: Makes energy path in face, forehead, head area free, animated.
Press with your thumb, index or middle finger circling for 1 minute
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
You can clearly perceive a pleasantly wide-ranging effect.
Upper Star (GV23)
Location: One thumb width behind the hairline on the midline.
Effect: clears the nose. Revives face, forehead and upper head ..
Press with thumb, index or middle finger for 1 minute or slightly circle.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
You can see it in a slight warming and animation … The breath is released …
One hundred fold (GV20, Baihui)Location: One thumb width behind the hairline on the midline
Effect: clears the nose. Revives face, forehead and upper head ..
Press with thumb, index or middle finger for 1 minute or slightly circle.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
You can see it in a slight warming and animation … The breath is released …
Windvilla (GV16)Location: At the top of the neck, just below the edge of the head.L
Effect: It has a positive, relaxing effect on the entire head area, including the eyes, ears, nose and throat.
Press with one thumb into the depression under the edge of the head for 1 minute. You can also circle the thumb or move it up and down.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
Warming and liberating into the head, neck and upper body.
Pond of the Wind (G20) Location: At the neck, just under the back of the head, about 2 cm in front of the ear edge
Effect: The points “clear up” in the entire neck and head area. They help with neck tension or headaches, clear the head and eliminate tension in the entire area.
Press with your thumb, index or middle finger in a circle for 1 minute or rub vigorously on the entire lower edge of the head. This allows you to edit the other points on the head rim (LG16, B10).
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
Invigorating, warming, relaxing effect in the whole head. You can even feel the effect still be in front of the face.
Very beneficial.
Sky column (B10)Position: Close under the back of the head, on the muscle strands, in each case in the dent in front of the neck muscle.
Effect: Makes the energy channels permeable, invigorates the neck, promotes blood circulation.
Rub for 1 minute with your thumb, pointing along the edge of the head.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
Pleasantly liberating effect.
Point of all hardships (GV14)Location: Directly under the vertebra, which protrudes strongly at the neck end.
Wirkung: Stützt, kräftigt und reguliert Energie vom Kopf- bis zum Brustbereich..
1 Minute lang mit Daumen, Zeige- und/oder Mittelfinger kreisend drücken.
Entspannt atmen…ein paar Atemzüge lang nachspüren….
Wärme ausstrahlend, kräftigend.
Cross the eyebrows to the outside Location: Close above the eyebrows.
Effect: Strengthens the eyes, invigorates the eye area, soothing relaxation of the eyes.
Put the middle fingers of both hands on the inner eyebrow and pull the fingers out with a gentle pressure for 1 minute.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
Pleasantly invigorating effect.
Hair “comb” Effect: Strengths energy, enterprise, improves memory
Move with the curved fingers of both hands from the hairline in front to the neck. You can also use the nails and thereby enhance the effect. Duration: 6-10 times.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
Close your eyes and feel the pleasant invigorating effect for a few breaths.
Shoulder wells (G21)Location: At the highest point of the shoulder muscle, next to the neck.
Effect: Relaxes shoulders, clears the head.
Pinch the muscles 20 to 30 times on both shoulders.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
A pleasant warming effect on the head, neck and shoulders.
United valleys (LI4) – final treatmentLocation:
In addition to the highest point of the muscle mountain between forefinger and thumb
Effect: One of the most important body points, eliminates pain, strengthens energy, stabilizes defense, one can feel a power deep within oneself
Press with your thumb 20-30 times or press in a circle. With another person you can take both hands at the same time, otherwise one after the other.
Breathe in a relaxed way … trace for a few breaths ….
A pleasant relaxing effect pulls up over the meridian in the arms and spreads in the body. Pain slowly fades away.
And – have you ever tried a few points? ………….. Practice makes the perfect master…..