
Introducing the world’s most comprehensive online instant information on acupuncture points (body points, acupressure points, massage points), as well as the largest online online database of symptoms with the appropriate acupuncture points. 

For treatment with acupuncture points (body points)

Also, most of the great masters of Chinese medicine in practice use only a few points from each meridian for successful treatment. For the kidney meridian, for example, these are 5 points. This is the knowledge base on which one can later add one or the other point to specific complaints. These significant points are explained here in detail.

For many current complaints is often enough already a single point.

The most famous point LI4 (between thumb and forefinger) sometimes alone helps with many ailments: short-term pain of all kinds, migraine, headache with G20, toothache with St44, abdominal and back pain, mental fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, throat problems, first signs of cold (excellent with Lu7 even without needles one after another for 1 minute to push or slightly massage – which can often dissolve a incipient cold), runny nose, stuffy nose together (or sequentially) with LI20, cough, cold, flu with Lu7 and TW5 , Fever, chills, stiff neck, blurred vision, dizziness, high blood pressure along with LV3, rash, acne, eczema, conjunctivitis, insomnia, restlessness, allergies. The point LI4 is the most used point in the world.
I have already experienced that even pressing and punctiform massaging of the point Li4 within a few minutes have eliminated short-term, persistent abdominal and back pain.
This is because the corresponding meridian (energy pathway) that LI4 belongs to has head (including teeth, nose, and back of the head because it connects to the predominantly back-running Governing Vessel), back, chest, and chest Belly up to the colon has. It’s fascinating to see how much enormous knowledge people have had for thousands of years. Anyone who has recognized which areas alone can be positively influenced by a single meridian will no longer be able to escape the fascination of the interconnections and their body points.

Another good example is the point LV3 (on the foot).

It has often eliminated short-term headaches. Yes, a point on the foot can, in many cases, relieve or eliminate pain in the head because it pulls down too much energy in the head. One day I was told that this must be a “super point” because he had resolved a headache within a few minutes.
The explanation is also that the point LV3 can eliminate tension and tightness: headache, pain and tension in the chest and flanks, in the lower abdomen to the genital area.
It also helps with drowsiness, dizziness, knee pain, seizures, lumbago!
And it helps with depressed mood, agitation, poor sleep, insomnia, etc.
The corresponding meridian (Liver Meridian) has connections to the chest cavity and internally even to the eyes and finally to the junction with the handlebar at the top of the head (CV20, the point of the “Hundredfold Meeting”).

Body pattern

Advanced do not just treat a point, but find the appropriate body pattern or complaint types, also called syndromes. For example, they say “kidney yin deficiency”. Because the kidney meridian (the kidney pathway in the body) not only seizes the kidney but also extends from the toe to the collarbone and even down to the root of the tongue in a deeper branch, the Kidney Yin deficiency type includes one large group of complaints. These include long-lasting signs of weakening in the form of constant back pain, bone pain, night sweats, forgetfulness, dizziness, tinnitus, or dry mouth.

To treat the body patterns of a single meridian, however, often points from other meridians are used. So if you have diagnosed a complaint type, then you should use the points of the appropriate interconnect, but also the extra points of other channels for a successful treatment. These additional points can be seen online here when you go to the “Symptoms” menu and read the points given there with their descriptions. The effects of the points are described in Western and Eastern (TCM) views. In addition, you can also incorporate psychological factors in your treatment.

To handle more complex types of complaints (body patterns), there is the menu item “TCM”, where the patterns are explained exactly and can be treated quickly using useful tables.

Tongue and pulse diagnosis

In order to perform a more complex treatment, the complaint types must be clearly identified. Ideally, tongue diagnostics and heart rate diagnostics are also part of the reliable diagnosis. Through them you gain even more security. And it’s not as hard as it seems at the beginning. For example, if you feel the pulse of some people around you at the beginning, you’ll be amazed how different the pulse can be sometimes.


It is extremely interesting to find out how a type of complaint not only looks physically, but what mental attitude is behind it. Body and psyche are closely connected. For example, lung ailments often have something to do with sadness. Kidney problems indicate fears. Heart complaints on lack of self-love, tolerance and overview.

Every organ has a psychic meaning!

I often ask the somewhat provocative question: Do organs have feelings?

Answer: Yes, they have! Or they embody certain feelings. And it is very helpful to know the connections between the organs and the emotions.

Here you learn the psychic meanings of the organs (lung, heart, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, bladder, etc.), the meridians and the individual body points with one click.

Goals to learn

You should be able to see from the symptoms, which points are used for which symptoms, where they are (with graphics) and how to handle the points.

For advanced users there are the following three goals:

After working through a meridian, you can

· Describe the most important points 3 – 5 points of the meridian (effect, situation)
· Unequivocally diagnose the main patterns (kidney yang deficiency etc.)
· Treat the main patterns and finally
· Recognize the most important patterns by means of tongue color etc., type of pulse beat

Very helpful tables

Under the TCM menu there are three tables: the Complaint Body Points Table, the Complaint Symptom Table, the Complaint Tongue / Pulse Table. You will soon realize that here the core knowledge is summarized. The tables are used to find the points for treatment as quickly as possible and are also ideal for learning.

New: learn online and apply
Books or CDs have the advantage that you can take them anywhere and work independently of the computer. But online you are unbeatably fast and can get targeted the required information in immediate access. This allows you to benefit from the world’s largest online database of body points (acupuncture points) and can instantly call up points, symptoms, tongue and heart phrases to study or treat for any symptom or complaint type.

For study and practice – instant access

The online version is also ideal for lessons, exams, self-study alone or in workgroups. In daily practice, the online access to the symptom immediately puts you in the right place.

Combined patterns

In the practical treatment also often mixed forms occur. Therefore, these special or combined patterns to the meridians may not be missing here. The advanced may, for exercise, if he wants to answer also the questions asked, why just the points in question in the individual mixed syndromes (such as kidney-lung pattern, kidney spleen pattern, etc.) are used. Everything is explained exactly here. Why one takes just this and not another point, is justified. That’s exciting, I think.

Useful examples

Frequently occurring practical treatments have also been added. This should be expanded. If you want, then you can rehearse “sample treatments” with the help of the sample:

How to treat a cold
How to Treat a Stiff Neck (Bi Syndrome)
How to treat edema
How do you treat a headache?

Suggestions are welcome. Just contact me by email 

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The online database with all explanations in immediate access can be found here