New: symptome full text search Here you will find a keyword entered in the full text.
At which body point (acupuncture point) have I read this or that before? Note the exact spelling (for example, capital letters at the beginning of the word, etc.). Be inventive in your search: e.g. for “sore throat” you can also look for “neck”. Or for “tinnitus” also “ringing in the ears” or “ear noises”. Or for “Menses” also “Menstruation” or “Rule” etc.
Here you can also search for “Approval Point”, “Yuan” or other important point groups! (“Bone master point”, “acute point”, etc.) The word you are looking for should have at least 3 letters, otherwise the possibilities are too great, and then click on the appropriate line, if you do not get pounded here , then we recommend the symptome full text search (menu item “Symptoms” below). Enter a keyword.
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