Some Tips in advance …
Start with one or two points. Then increase more and more.
If you do it right, you will soon feel lust-enhancing effects.
Choose the points that suit you the most.
Express your own desires, longings and needs.
Tell your partner what you like best.
This can be without words, by putting the partner’s hand there,
where you are particularly comfortable.
Say – or express yourself by a gentle “Hmm” or “Yes, continue …” or whatever,
– whether the pressure should be gentler or stronger,
– whether it should take longer or shorter,
– whether you like circles, rubbing, pressing, kneading, gentle touch
– or everything alternately appears best and most effective.
Indulge completely in the rising of your pleasure and love sensations.
What both of you like most, increases the love and desire feeling.
Find it out together. Exchange your ideas. That can be words
or sounds, or other small, perceptible gestures …
The following tips can be an asset to your love life.
Pick out your “raisins”. Maybe something different every now and then?