Frestyle Dancing or „Body Dance“ – The Dance of the Body

Sounds crazy. Yes, it is. But it’s fun! And it is healthy!

Circulatory system, organs including the “thinking organ” brain, glands, digestion, lymphatic system and skin …
Everything benefits from the energy and joy that are triggered by the “body dance”..

Don’t look at what others are saying – look at what your body is “saying”(wanting) …

Do your own thing!  (Freestyle Body Dance)


Oh, isn’t it enough already?… 

(Freestyle Body Dance:  What your body always wanted to do …)


1. Preparations

First of all, get a few favorite rhythmic pieces of music from the Internet that you can download and drag to your desktop or that you can easily access as an app on your mobile phone. For example, I love the freely available and very rhythmic “The best indian chillout“. It’s best to go straight to minute 7 and at the end stop the music whenever you want or – at the latest at minute 12.

Turn on your speaker or put on headphones so that  you don’t annoy the neighbors. (There are headphones, for example, where you can insert a small memory card that you can record with the desired music beforehand. If that might be an option for you, just ask about it in electronic supermakets   or wherever.)

2. Let’s get started
Turn on the music. And start sitting quietly.
Let yourself be inspired by the rhythm of the music …
First you notice how your upper body begins to rock back and forth …
Then the heels alternately start moving rhythmically up and down …
Gradually the arms begin to move joyfully in free space …
Finally there is the impulse to get up and continue standing.
Your body now wants to take the first rhythmic steps …

3. “Talk” to the body
Let yourself in completely on your body and feel its movement impulses.
It can be fun when you talk to your body internally. You could greet him inside first.
For example with “Hello, dear body (friend)! Show me what you want to move next now – really like!”

Then he may respond with impulses towards the legs or arms that want to be moved alternately or together. Let yourself be inspired by the body, how it wants to move with the rhythm, whether calm or completely crazy. Bouncing from one leg to the other, then let each leg jump backwards, or to the side, turn, swing your whole body back and forth … move your elbows rhythmically up and down or sideways or lively with your arms waving in the air or whatever …

4. Just have fun!
Just have fun with your body’s creativity!
Allow yourself to be led or seduced by him, even if the movements become more and more lively.
Then it’s not you, it’s your body that takes over.
There are always total moments of surprise in it that bring joy and pleasure.
In the end, you (your body) may even want to hop through the living room
or even through the whole apartment! ….

5. From 4 to 94!
Even old people (the vision of an old people’s home is just coming to me) can move their body a little, maybe rock their shoulders up and down or swing their arms happily to get a little more lively after the music or, if necessary, their own inner melody move. The body dance is a real recommendation for everyone! From 4 to 94!

6. Already in bed in the morning … (Why not starting the day a little bit crazy?)
You can even start in bed in the morning and let your body seduce you into small movements. So slowly move your arms slightly in the air, then rock your (upper) body in bed.
You may soon want to “fire away” the blanket (i.e. move it to the side) and alternately move your legs in the air … If you do this, you may get up as happily as ever! Your body and you – you will probably be beaming for the bet … The music? Well, maybe you can just imagine that in bed in the morning?

– The dance of the body usually triggers pure joy.
– By the way, you get a nice inner connection to your own body.
– The circulation is stimulated.
– Digestion as well.
– You feel energetically charged and full of zest for action.

Just give it a try!

The good thing about body dance is not only that there are no fixed rules, so that you leave your imagination free, but that there are actually no excuses not to move, because you don’t have to go jogging, no Gym needs, there is no weather dependency etc. You can do it anytime, anywhere. And if you have no music at the moment, you can hear the rhythm or a melody internally or sing with some invented sounds, right?

Be brave and be the first to start in the office during the break. If you stay with your inner joy and enthusiasm, then you may even be able to infect the greatest “movement muffle” … if necessary with an inviting hint to join in! You can declare it as the newest “Move from America”: “Body Dance! – The daily office break filler!”. Maybe your body is happy as a child about its own funny ideas …

In this way, body dance could even become a “popular sport” (fitness for everyone).
In the office, at home, in the forest, on the meadow … sitting in the bathtub … (oh no, maybe that’s a little exaggerated … :))

Have fun! It’s freestyle time …!