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Breathe naturally
More strength, energy, wellbeing and healing through relaxed, natural breathing.
What is natural breathing?
Breathing is usually autonomous. It automatically adapts to different situations. For example, in sporting activities, sitting in the office, sleeping at night.
Small children breathe naturally
The most natural way of breathing is for the children who sit there, forgetting about themselves, or frolic and play. When you inhale, they automatically expand your stomach, sides, and even your back. And as you exhale, relax these areas completely.
Many people breathe shallowly
For many people, however, shallow breathing has become almost second nature. On the way of the breath in and out of the body, there can be many small, unnoticed tension or restrictions.
The body takes the lead
Therefore, targeted breathing exercises serve to breathe deeper and slowly bring the body to a natural, full breathing volume. But there is also a method in which the body itself takes control again. If you observe the breath, you gradually notice more and more clearly how the body deepens the breath on its own and breaks down blockages – without any action. Just by observation. Step by step.
The importance of exhaling
Exhaling plays an important role, which leads to natural relaxation and regeneration with every breath. The better you relax, the deeper your inhalation will automatically be. And the greater the feeling of well-being associated with natural breathing. And the more strength and energy comes from the increased oxygen supply.
Wie kann man den Atem einfach fließen lassen?
Hier helfen verschiedene Vorstellungsübungen. Vielleicht probierst du der Reihe nach die folgenden Vorstellungen je eine Minute lang aus. Und entscheidest dich dann, für diejenige Methode, bei der du das Gefühl hast, dass sie am besten hilft.
Wenn dir die Übung nicht gleich auf Anhieb gelingt, weil du schon innerhalb einer Minute in andere Gedanken oder Gefühle abschweifst, dann trainiere die folgende Übung öfter. Es wird allmählich immer besser gelingen.
1. It breathes …
Imagine it is not you, but “it” breathes your body. And you just let it happen.
Click here and let the breathing happen as if “it” is breathing.
2. Follow the path of the breath …
With your attention, follow the path your breath takes as you inhale and exhale.
Don’t want to change anything. Just follow. The change happens gradually by itself. So that after some practice the breathing becomes deeper and longer.
Click here and follow the airway
3. Finding obstacles to breathing
Now you can feel where and where there is tension or restrictions.
Here, too, the rule is that you don’t want to change anything, just observe. The change happens gradually by itself.
Let your breath flow as freely as possible
Just continue the little exercise every day. Gradually the breathing becomes deeper and fuller.
You can train sometimes with your eyes closed and sometimes with your eyes open.
Try to keep the focus of attention on your breathing.
The exercise never gets boring because it is different every time.
It is a good preliminary step for initiating a subsequent meditation, in which one also tries to keep the focus on a certain topic for the entire length of the time.
It is also a good tip to undertake “check triggers”. Examples: “Watch your breath whenever …”
– Always train when you sit down at the desk for a minute.
– Whenever you turn off the light in the bedroom.
– Always before you turn on the television.
– etc.