Kidney patterns

Kidney meridian
Patterns of
The meaning of the points
Can you list at least one to three of the most important characteristics per point?
K3 lower back, knees, rheumatism, urinary behavior, urination, regular disturbances, sexual strength, head pressure, convulsions
Strengthens Essence (Ur-Qi), Mark, Bone, any kidney weakness, Qi from head to feet, Yuan point
K6 Improves regular, skin, limb, uterus, gait, cervical, thyroid, ankle swelling opens chest, moisturizes, nourishes, in skin diseases with blood heat, Yin / Yang balance in the whole body
K4 balances between kidney and bladder, with exaggerated anxiety, anxiety, exhaustion
K7 Improves low blood pressure, dizziness, back cold, lumbago, cramps, abdominal colic, frequent urination Tonifies, promotes / inhibits sweat, eliminates wetness, regulates juices, will weakness, fears
K9 anxious nervousness, emotional tension, over-excitement, nervous dysfunction Soothes mind, opens and relaxes thorax, strengthens kidney and liver, eliminates toxin / neutralizes it
K10 strengthens kidney yin, eliminates wet heat urinary behavior, difficulty breathing, vaginal discharge, increased control, knee pain
K1 fainting, insomnia, toothache, circulatory disorders of the legs, headache, fears, weakness opens up sensory openings, sedates, calms, strengthens
B23 Bladder approval point
GV4 Fire point of the kidney (kidney / heart connection)
G25 alarm point of the kidney, for diagnosis, strengthens kidney