Small Intestine Meridian Introduction

Physically responsible for

· Separate valuable, usable and otherwise worthless, unusable components, nutrients and fiber for the body
· Absorb, transform, transfer fluids (with Kidney Yang support) and food (in association with Spleen Yang)
· Works on mucous membranes (lungs: cough, asthma, throat: angina, tonsillitis, intestines: colic, constipation)
· Directs Qi from fire to water (from heart to bladder and kidney)
· Is particularly in demand for movement restrictions in the meridian course (arm, shoulder, face)
· Defense by using white blood cells, which makes bacteria harmless

Mentally responsible for

· Small intestine can say very clearly yes or no (your speech is yes yes or no no)
· Be able to view and judge something, trust his judgment
· Relaxes (stress, overactivity), relaxes (intestines), warms (heart, abdomen), integrates, assimilates (food, new ideas), makes you natural, confident, cheerful, satisfied smile, relaxed observer
· Be able to approach something unknown, trust intuition, dare to trust, feel good, make a decision, confidently surrender to life and its own decisions, feel safe and secure in the real world, feel trust, feel joy
· Allow doubt, but then decide by conviction, can also deny, confidence in the correctness of one’s own decision, courage to have honesty, clear yes, clear no, blind trust just as wrong as blind rejection
· Inability to say yes or no, say yes, courage to be honest?

· Feel insecure in an emotional decision, too much urge for security, want to know everything before
· Fail if something seems stressful

When do you think about the small intestinal tract?
For stress, movement restrictions, general dissatisfaction, intestinal complaints (intestinal choking, constipation, diarrhea), physical tension, pain in the neck region, swollen cheeks, heart complaints, arthritis in shoulder region, arm and face), joylessness, mucous membrane complaints.

Rheumatism, tension in the neck area, toothache, otitis media, stiff joints, torso can not bend properly, abdominal pain, intestinal colic, constipation, painful flatulence, pressure-sensitive stomach, numbness, sensory disturbances, weak shoulders and arms, abdominal distension, bloating, constipation due to weakness, thin diarrhea , insufficient digestion, better in heat and exercise

Often occurring patterns and their treatment

Typical complaints are Excess Heat, Painful Qi, Tied Qi

Excess heat

Mental anxiety, nervous anxiety, take over, sparse urine, tongue ulcers, painful urination, abdominal pain, red tongue
Recommended points: SI2, SI5, H5 and H8 (for heart-fire), St39 (for abdominal pain)

Painful Qi

Pain in the lower abdomen, abdominal tension, bowel sounds, flatulence, testicular pain, white tongue coating, often caused by a lot of raw and cold food

Recommended points: CV6 with G34 relieves pain, LV13 (harmonizes liver, strengthens spleen), St27, St39 (relieve abdominal pain)

Bound Qi

Sudden violent abdominal pain, bowel sounds, constipation, bloating, thick, white tongue coating, vomiting

Recommended points: St39 (for abdominal pain, CV6, G34, St25, Sp6, LV3