Luo points (networking points)

What are Luo points? What do they do?
Luo points are branch points. They direct the energy into network-like branches.
As a rule, this creates connections to a coupled meridian.
Coupled meridians are for example lung and colon or heart and small intestine or spleen and stomach or kidney and bladder.

In practice, a Luo point is often used when tapping or treating a yuan equalization point.
For example, if you have cold hands, a faint voice, or respiratory problems, you often decide
for the lung yuan point Lu9 to strengthen the lung energy. To improve the effect even further, you use now
also the Luo point of the coupled meridian, namely the large intestine meridian, Di6. A clear invigorating effect occurs
because extra energy is provided by the Luo point.
(The Luo points assigned to the Yuan Compensation Points are shown in the table below).

You can use the Luo point to make up for emptiness, fix weakness or eliminate too much (congestion).
So you help and support the Yuan Compensation Points.

The Luo point is also particularly suitable for emotional blockages such as grief, depression (LI6 and Lu9)
or concern (St40 and Sp3), etc. The energetic flow is made dynamic.

The net-like branchings emanating from the Luo point are more superficial than the main meridians, so they are often visible.
But only if they are not in a state of emptiness. Then they are not seen at all, but completely disappeared.
Often, however, they can otherwise be perceived as small net-like structures.
In the fullness state, they are jammed and then clearly visible in small blood capillaries

Which Luo points belong to which Yuan points and which meridian is strengthened in each case?


 Which Luo point fits
to which yuan point
Which meridian is strengthened?
 LI6 belongs to Lu9Lung-meridian is strengthend
 SI7 belongs to H7Heart-meridian is strengthend
 B58 belongs to K3Kidney-meridian is strengthend
 St40 belongs to Sp3Spleen meridian is strengthened
 G37 belongs to LV3Liver-meridian is strengthendt
 TW5 belongs to Pe7Pericard -meridian is strengthend
 Sp4 belongs to St42Stomach-meridian is strengthend
 LV5 belongs to G40Gallbladder-meridian is strengthend
 K4 belongs to B64Bladder-meridian is strengthend
 H5 gehört zu SI4Small Intestine-meridian is strengthend
 Pe6 gehört zu TW4TW-meridian is strengthend
 Lu7 gehört zu LI4Large Intestine-meridian is strengthend

Are Luo points also used alone?

Luo points can also be used to release overheating regardless of Yuan points. For example, in case of swelling.
When quickly pulling out the needle, the spot is allowed to bleed as much as possible.

Interestingly enough, Luo points are often used on the opposite side for superficial tension or skin problems.
Shoulder pain on the left can therefore also be treated with Lu7 on the right.