Choose important points
Approval points (influence points)
Consent points positively influence the corresponding organs.
In case of disturbances, they are painful as alarm points
They activate energy and blood and have a health-promoting effect on the organs.
B13 Lung below 3. Backbone vertebrae
0ft treated together with alarm point Lu1
B14 pericardium below 4. Backbone vertebrae
0ft treated together with alarm point Pe1
B15 heart below 5th dorsal vertebra
0ft treated together with alarm point CV14
B18 Liver below 9. Backbone vertebrae
0ft treated together with alarm LV14
B19 gallbladder 10. Backbone vertebrae
0ft treated together with alarm point G24
B20 Spleen pancreas below 11. Backbone vertebrae
0ft treated together with alarm LV13
B21 stomach below 12. Backbone vertebrae
0ft treated together with alarm point CV12
B22 Tripple warmer below 1st LWK
0ft treated together with alarm point CV5
B23 kidney below 2nd LWK
0ft treated together with alarm point G25
B25 large intestine below 4th LWK
0ft treated together with alarm St25
B27 Small intestine next to the first sacral hole at the level of the seat crease while seated
0ft treated together with alarm point CV4
B28 bladder next to 2. sacral hole, 1 short finger under B27
0ft treated together with alarm point CV3