Spleen Patterns

Spleen Meridian
Spleen principle, discomfort, mental factors
The most important points
The meaning of the points
The most important patterns
Spleen qi deficiency
Spleen yang deficiency
Spleen Qi deficiency with organ sinking
Spleen Qi weakness with bleeding tendency
Moist cold and damp heat
Important Questions
Combined Patterns
Patterns for:
Spleen Meridian Introduction
· Supplies tissue, muscles, organs with nutritional energy and blood, strengthens the connective tissue
· Controls blood, keeps the blood in the vessels
· Ensures a healthy appetite, neither cravings nor loss of appetite
· Makes for red, shiny lips
Pancreas is added to the spleen function (according to Western knowledge, it produces digestive juices and the hormone insulin)
· The feeling of self-satisfaction, of calmness in oneself, inner collection, feeling protected and secure in one’s lap, childlike security under maternal protection, trust in nature, material earth, feeling of inner center, earthiness, stability, Serenity, lightness
· Playfully let one’s own needs run free without much thought, enjoyment of the game, joy in life, hobby after work, inner shaping of free time, feeling inner reserve, feeling the inner center, resting in the navel of one’s inner world, finding the dormant pole in itself
· One can identify with the larger whole, not just with the immediate
· Healthy sense of security, healthy sense of autonomy (you organize your self independently) · trust in the mother, it allows development and expansion of the child
· Experience of unconditional love through Mother Earth
· Experience of trust and self-esteem
· Feel part of this earth, be a part of this earth
In case of disturbances
· Excessively exhausting, controlling, losing sense of life, feeling empty, not knowing what, maintaining a state that makes little sense, that only exists in functioning, lack of basic trust in the arrival of the right solution, the right idea, the right one correct action, which suppress the subjective too much, listlessness, allow no daydreams, find no niche to refuel, feel life as must, as empty, too much censorship, but may also be too lax, leave no opportunity to romp around, life a piece to see as a game
The pancreatic sensation
Concerns one’s own recognition, satisfaction with one’s own performance, the incentive, the recognition of one’s own achievement, praise and acknowledgment of oneself, wanting to earn something for the future, one’s own approval, the pat on the back
Replacement principles are too much sweets, build on recognition from outside and put on their own recognition, do not appreciate the value of self-recognition, do not petting, too much to seek recognition (credits, praise, reward, status symbols), not life sometimes can accept without a goal, can not go their own way, view life as a duty, not the beauty of the path, but only have the goal in mind, to demand more than to recognize, but also complacency, arrogance
Typical complaints
Weakness, heaviness, weakness, especially in legs and arms, fatigue, fatigue, digestive problems. Wetness affects the spleen and excessive thinking or pondering. A crooked posture, tension and pain in the upper abdomen suggest the spleen energy. A heavy tongue, irregular menstruation, belching, hiccups are other symptoms. The carnal body proportion can get into imbalance. Inadequate fat burning, therefore fat and obesity, but also slim to lean. Incompatibility of cold food and drinks, little hunger, bad taste are possible. The fluid distribution in the body is no longer correct, thick feet, varicose veins, swollen eyelids. Various, elusive diseases, eczema, diarrhea, fatigue, skin changes, hormonal disorders.
Other symptoms include flatulence, pulpy stool, back and forth in the abdomen, belching, vomiting, sluggishness, pain on the inner thigh, knee, uterine, renal, and gastric. Main topics are the blood production (see so if anemia, deficiency), weak legs or arms, pale complexion, loose stools, appetite deficiency. Wetness can accumulate in the muscles and make them heavy. Nausea can occur because food is not transported properly. The tongue is thicker at the edges, especially in the middle tongue area than normal, pulse is empty. Regular cramps, knee pain, urinary problems, overactivity, constant care, anxious, obsessed with fix ideas, manipulative, likes to eat a lot, allergies, constipation, weak connective tissue, cellulitis, varicose veins, leg edema, menstrual irregularities, ligament tears or strains, only stuff food, weak muscles, clings to relationships, feels worthless, unsettled, unwelcome, is rather apathetic, fatigued easily, poor memory, tendency to bruises. Spleen hyperfunction leads to morbid carelessness.
Often occurring patterns and their treatment
The main patterns are spleen qi deficiency, spleen yang deficiency, sinking (rather than normal rising, hence weight) spleen qi and spleen qi weakness with bleeding.
Spleen qi deficiency
Weak legs or arms, fatigue and fatigue, pale complexion, tensions in the abdomen, loose stools, poor appetite. Wetness can accumulate in the muscles and make them heavy. Nausea can occur because food is not transported properly. The tongue is thicker at the edges, especially in the middle tongue area than normal, the pulse is empty
Points: Sp3, Sp6, additionally CV12 (Spleen-Qi strengthening), B20, B21 (in case of chronic spleen and stomach weakness,)
Spleen - Yang - deficiency
Like spleen qi deficiency, in addition: cold legs, feet, arms, hands, shivering, edema
Points: as above, also Sp9 (resolves wetness in the lower body area, CV9, St28, B22 (eliminates edema)
Falling Spleen - Qi
Further strengthening of the spleen – Qi deficiency, which now organ cuts occur (stomach, uterus, anus, vagina), it can lead to hemorrhoids, frequent urination. Spleen – Qi should normally go up. Therefore, it has a lowering influence in case of failure.
Points: as above, also GV20 (raises Qi), CV6 (raises Qi when lowering), St21 (when gastric)
Spleen Qi weakness with bleeding tendency
As above, causing bleeding now because the spleen of weakness can not hold the blood in the vessels.
Points: as above, also Sp10 (controls blood), B17 (stops bleeding), Sp1 (for uterine bleeding)