Large Intestine Meridian Introduction

Physically responsible for

· Excretion of used substances
· Protective function for mucous membranes
· Strengthens (defends, protects) immune system (LI11 with Sp6, Sp10)

Mentally responsible for

· Cleanse old patterns of thought, make head free for new things
· Predictability, creating products, managing products (lungs: of deeds) · Reliability, predictability, predictability
· Proud to own something (car, house, other objects)
· Act and deal with numbers, data, fully understand and understand
· Feel joy in liberating letting go, just let go, be able to free yourself
· Have patience, rest, can linger, enjoy
· Recognize achievement

· But also inertia, hardly any rapid changes, little energy
· To live too much in having or living for having, forget about joie de vivre, dynamics, play, liveliness, cheerfulness, buoyancy
· Sacrifice vacation for the business (for having)
· Always wanting to leave things as they are, obsolete, no longer timely illusions, hanging on yesterday, neglecting the morning, yesterday’s structures, not perceiving or allowing progress · do not want to finish something, what is not in the current Structure fits
Obesity is the gathering, having, clinging to old illusions, sluggish elements should keep from new things, cling to ideas once made, statements
· Restrict mental diversity, limit physical flexibility
· Sadness, sorrow, depressive dreamer, over-excitability, insomnia, migraine

When do you think of the large intestinal channel?

In intestinal complaints (diarrhea, constipation), constipation, frequent rumbling and clucking, change between constipation and diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, colic
Tension, inflammation in the upper back, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, neck, neck
Numbness, sensory disturbances and swelling, cold limbs
Tooth discomfort (pain, gum disease), dry mouth,
Congested nose, chronic runny nose, lung complaints
mucocutaneous symptoms
Problems with the immune system

Frequently occurring patterns and their treatment

Excessive eating of fat and hot food, too much anxiety and worry can cause: diarrhea, sparse urine, fever, sweating, thirst without drinking, abdominal pain

Points: LI11 (eliminates heat); Sp9, Sp6, CV3, CV12, B20 and B22 (against moisture), St25 and B37 (against diarrhea), B25 (eliminates heat)

Excessive consumption of hot foods (for example, grilled foods): constipation, sparse, dark urine, burning in the mouth, burning in the rectum, tongue thick yellow coating

Points: St2, St11 (eliminate heat), KG4 (strengthens Yin, strengthens humors), St37, St44 (eliminates stomach heat), St6, K6, CV12 promote body fluids

Cold infestation
For example, by prolonged sitting on cold, damp documents: sudden abdominal pain, diarrhea, feeling cold in the abdomen, white, thick tongue coating

St37 and St25 (for diarrhea), St36 (for cold), Sp6 (for abdominal pain), LV3 (calms intestinal cramps), St27 (eliminates cold from colon)