Strengthening interconnections as a whole (meridian therapy)
Healing movements, body points, breathing techniques and attitude changes
Liver Energy Meridian
General Information about the Liver Energy Channel
The Liver-Meridian
It begins at the inner nail angle of the big toe, runs over the back of the foot, turns in front of the inner knuckle of the foot to the inner leg, there up to the groin, circumvents the external genitals, running along the side of the belly to the 11th rib of the rib cage. Other internal branches connect to the liver, gall bladder, stomach, ribcage, throat, throat, nose, eyes, pituitary and vertex of the head where it joins the handlebar vessel.
The main task of the liver meridian is the regulation of energy throughout the body.
It ensures sufficient flexibility:
Stores up to 20% of the blood (resting state) to provide it quickly when needed (sports etc.).
Makes the blood vessels, muscles and tendons elastic.
Has a controlling influence on the peripheral nervous system.
Makes eyes move.
It supports spleen and stomach,
converts foreign substances into the body’s own substances.
It detoxifies the blood in foreign matter such as drugs, alcohol, etc.
Stores hormones like adrenaline or thyroxine and vitamins A, B, D, E and K.
Mental Tasks
The liver is helpful in harmonizing the emotions.
(see section Psychology)
Physical complaints
In healthy liver energy, there is a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.
A strengthening of the liver energy is announced at
Dizziness, tinnitus and headache
Tension in the abdomen, tightness in the chest, feeling of fullness,
Tension in the flank or abdominal region, the lump in the neck,
Stiff joints, inelastic muscles, tendons, fascia, blood vessels,
but also flaccid, over-flexible and distensible muscles and tendons,
Muscle cramps, calf cramps, tendonitis,
varicose veins,
Tendency to bruises,
Constipation, bloating, belching, nausea, diarrhea, constipation
such as itchy skin, itching of the genitals, psoriasis, brittle nails
Diseases of the nervous system,
Hypertension low blood pressure,
Weakness in legs and feet,
Redness of the head,
bad blood clotting,
Menstrual cramps,
a reduction in eyesight, myopia
What does the liver meridian mean psychologically?
Psychologically, a strong liver energy means:
Unfolding, development, drive, ambitions, creativity.
PAST aspect:
The liver energy stores all formative images and ideas, all personal experiences.
The sum of these pictures is the personality structure.
Future Aspect:
This results in a kind of life plan also for the future actions, which is consistent with the,
what makes man as a whole.
The interplay of cardiac, hepatic and biliary energy
It may be useful to know and distinguish the different orientations of the meridians.
1. The heart pretends what it wants.
2. The liver makes it a plan.
3. And the bile carries out the planned.
If all three members of this chain are in harmony, then all arising problems can be mastered with confidence. If one or more links in the chain are weak, then disharmony occurs.
It may lack a centralized vision of the heart (inner alignment, anchoring)
(“I am who I am”, but also “I consider everything holistically”),
in a clear (illustrated, presented) directions (implementation planning, “I do it!”) through the active liver energy
or the ultimate practical implementation by the decided determination of the bile energy: “I act out of a natural self-understanding.
A treatment of the liver points strengthens both the heart (because the heart is subordinate to the “nutritional cycle”), as well as the bile function (the bile is the corresponding Yang organ of the element wood to the liver).
Gauge reality
So the liver has to do with pictures and ideas. She is the creative element. From here come many ideas.
These images should not be pure fantasy products, but should always be measured against reality.
Otherwise there is a danger of illusions, unrealistic demands or reveries.
Possible faults
No or fixed goals, unrealistic images and ideas, weak or excessive enforcement energy
Imbalances can lead to frustration, anger and anger, or to depression and hopelessness.
After all, frustrated people then often project their own difficulties onto others and make them
responsible that things do not go the way they imagine.
Often they know everything better, are strict and aggressive in their tone and convincing by nothing.
A strengthening of the liver energy is announced at:
Unbalanced plans, over-planning, over-perfectionism, lack of adaptability,
compulsive enforcement, fanaticism, but also insecurity, hopelessness.
The danger of putting a picture on reality, fixed ideas,
Fear of the future, do not want to accept change,
feeling small, not feeling worthy, feeling much less than others, feeling powerless,
Lack of a sense of power, a sense of respect, weaken one’s own reputation, be fearful
Fear of unpredictable strokes of fate or of punishment or punishment of God the Father,
View mistakes as “offenses”, feel guilty,
suppressed anger, frustration,
Need for sacrifice, as if one had to constantly provide something in return, often saying “must”
Fear of having to be fully well, feeling forced by an unknown power,
not bullying full but overpowering information and overpowering at the expense of health,
live in the illusory world of fixed ideas
Anger, anger, irritability, outbursts of anger, obsessions (permanent washing of hands, tidying up),
Perfection compulsion, the biggest, the strongest, wanting to be the best, feeling overwhelmed, expectation is not relaxed,
Confidence in the future is low,
Spectrum of other possibilities is not included,
Experience is not evaluated
Future is “forced” into a planned path,
the idea “makes” the reality,
one wants to maintain outdated notions of oneself and one’s reputation
When treating points on the liver meridian, you can always keep the following orientation in mind:
The harmonic flow of energies is promoted. More mental and physical flexibility, more ideas, a clearer sense of what is possible and what is realistic, more momentum, more ease, a life in harmony with oneself and one’s heart’s desires.. |
Full of Momentum and Energy
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