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1. Well-being exercises (relaxing by the sea, in a meadow, a dose of love)
2. Breathe healthy (calming, invigorating, stimulating intuition)
Feel-good exercises
In the morning, when you are still in bed, you can start the day by keeping your eyes closed and doing the following cleansing and invigorating exercises. Depending on how much time you have, you only need a few breaths each. Of course, you can also limit yourself to your favorite exercises.
Relax - by the sea ...

Imagine a South Seas beach.
Time seems to almost stand still for a moment.
They are totally relaxed on the beach.
The legs and the body will let you soak in the warm, gently bubbling seawater.
Feel how your body is also cleaned in. The water flows around and cleans all energy channels, so everything inside is cleaned.
In the feet … the legs … the trunk … the arms … in the whole body … Wonderful …
And your feelings will soon be cleansed. Everything is now clean, fresh and pure …
You feel unspeakably well …
Make 2 – 3 deep, relaxed breaths in the feeling of inner purity and cleanliness …
Relaxing - on a beautiful meadow ...

Imagine a spring meadow.
Everything is blooming, the flowers, the trees, the grasses.
They stand relaxed in the meadow and feel the mild spring breeze.
They breathe in the scent of the flowers and distribute it throughout the body as they exhale …
The pleasant fresh wind also blows through your body and cleanses it …
Your feelings are also captured by the wonderful, spring-like, smiling, healing, fresh energy …
You also feel unspeakably comfortable here …
Make 2 – 3 deep, relaxed breaths in the feeling of inner purity and cleanliness …
By the way, you can also feel individual parts of your body separately and let it through …
Love - a dose already in the morning?

You may also believe that you can not be in love every day.
You may also believe that you need a partner to be in love.
All mistake, as you will see in a moment.
Preliminary exercise:
Pull your mouth apart as far as possible towards your ears.
This will automatically release endorphins.
A very wide smile arises. And it is fun and feels good …
From a mechanical pulling apart is a genuinely felt cheerful mood …
Stay in this state for a few breaths and enjoy your smile.
The body relaxes. A kind of happiness arises. Out of the moment …
A healing love elixir exercise:
Look at the pictures of lovers above. They are contagious, are not they?
You also know the feeling of being in love? It should now just go to the pure feeling.
Not the circumstances, the people, etc.
This feeling can be triggered, just as you can trigger the real smile by pulling the corners of the mouth.
Everyone likes to have their own method. The following method is very helpful here:
1 Introduction
Imagine, a beloved person says to you:
“I love you with all my heart, you are the person I have always longed for.
I just like everything about you, your …. (Below is a list of particularly valued features) “
The person looks at you as in love as on the pictures above.
Imagine yourself getting so much enthusiastic attention.
From your (real or imagined) love partner.
The subconscious mind can not distinguish between true or deeply inwardly presented love words. The effect is definitely physically and mentally very beneficial and very touching.
Close your eyes and enjoy the love of your love partner.
What is your reaction? Right! You say something similar to your love partner.
“I love you too, just as you are …”
And so you increase your love feeling again enormously …
2. Feel love in the air
If you’re really in love, then you can literally feel love in the air.
As if the air is charged with golden light that you inhale and exhale with every breath …
The view widens and the body relaxes through and through.
Doing it right will have a profound, healing and relaxing effect
on the whole body and on the feelings.
It’s hard to believe, but you do not even need a “real” love partner.
Nevertheless you are beaming with happiness everyone and everything. Can you feel this “golden”?
The whole world around you appears in a new splendor.
And you? You would like to embrace the whole world …
Look around and try to feel this great love happiness.
Look totally in love with everything in your environment.
It seems that you get the love back from the environment.
From a tree, a person, even a simple pencil, a lamp, etc.
Totally crazy, right? But that’s how a totally in love person feels …
And so it feels like total, comprehensive love … It has something of bliss in the most beautiful sense.
Your body feels light and vibrant.
And what does the body and the soul so well, that can not be wrong.
Would not it be nice if you could always be in such a light, loving feeling?
Therefore, do not let yourself be distracted from the people who do not believe in your environment!
Stay there: smile happy, be totally in love – just like that. It works.
Take a few deep breaths in this deep feeling of sweeping love happiness …
Or walk a few steps …
Just enjoy this smiling, blissful state …
Version 1:
If you want, you can add other variants:
Feel loved by one we call it infinite heavenly power once.
And unconditionally loved … just infinite …
Finally, feel one with this wonderful sky force …
Take a few deep breaths in this deep sense of connectedness and love …
Variant 2: With this exercise you can train the feeling of the “now”, that is the here and now.
Feel again completely and infinitely and unconditionally loved.
Enjoy every breath as a wonderful gift from the sky,
that expresses the heavenly love in every breath … over and over again and again …
On and off or off and on … Like a never-ending love game … between yin and yang or yang and yin … A sense of bliss can arise …
Variant 3:
Love always takes place in the present. That’s why love and the present are one.
Feel the infinite love of the eternal present and realize
that you yourself are love when you live in the awareness of the present.
Take a few deep breaths in the deep awareness of the here and now and feel:
“I am at one with the power of infinite love … Wow!”
Look around your room in that unique feeling.
Take a few steps with this sense of presence (the infinite love, imaginable as a golden light that you can inhale and exhale) through your home or other environment …
Feel very close to yourself and everything else around you, like someone who is totally in love …
Is not it, it feels like you are very much in love …
Not only in the imagination, but really felt real …
Try it … Start with a few breaths in the morning and breathe in and out the golden love light …
Feel how slowly everything is beginning to shine … inside and out … and how close you are to yourself and everything else … Feel the eternal presence of heavenly love … in your body and around your body and soul deep inside …
Conclusion: A happy feeling also produces a noticeably happy body.
The breath is natural, the body is totally relaxed.
You feel inwardly and externally dilated … and unspeakably well …
What is love anyway?
And why does that usually not work so well with love in everyday life?
Love has many facets. But one thing is clear:
Love is accepting what is without judging or judging it.
Love makes us free by accepting. She makes us calm. It widens our consciousness. She makes us smile.
No prejudices, not even judgments. Just watch. And notice: that’s the way it is.
“Wegmachen” does not work. But suppose so. From the perspective of eternity, much becomes meaningless.
True is only the deep inside of us. From a higher, very long-term perspective.
And from a position of total inner serenity. That is not easy to realize.
But a clear, unbiased look on what is, and accept that truth – that’s it!
Can we love from the perspective of infinity? And whether! And then! We are even closer to everything.
In the case of a decision, for example: What does “bright” really feel like for us?
For example, in the case of a dispute, preferably before we make any remarks
the question is: what do we really want? Confrontation? What does “bright” feel like?
We only need to understand something inside of us. To remember serenity.
We no longer need endless and meaningless discussions.
At most, compassion for those who have not yet reached serenity.
We only need to understand that in the deepest interior we are one with infinite serenity, infinite wisdom, infinite love, infinite strength, infinite joy …
If we are not satisfied with a situation, we should see our almost infinite possibilities for changing this situation for us, instead of wasting our power in making guesses, arguing, being bossy, projecting, and half-truths (illusions ).
Love is truth. Love is joy. Love is strength. Love does not project, love does not reproach. Love does not refer to the past, but to the present moment. Love knows no fear because fear always has something to do with comparison and judgment or condemnation. Love is the opposite of fear. Love is trust. Love is truthfulness. Love is so infinite because it is eternal present. It can not bring anything out of peace and peace, not through thoughts, fears, comparisons. Why, too. If it is eternal and offers the full program in every moment, that is, always as a radiant force, unconditionally present and one with us … Can you sense that power in you? That’s you!…
Take a few breaths in the consciousness of this unshakeable radiance you have in yourself …
Small exercise for serenity:
Imagine they were infinitely quiet …
Just imagine it for a moment … Infinite …
How would you react to your fellow human beings and even to yourself?
How so far? … If you smile wisely now, then you have understood …
Love starts with an understanding smile …
Continuation follows …