Health problems
Will be strong expanded
High blood pressure
Reduce internal and external stress
Many people have high blood pressure for years. And they have to take daily tablets for it. An important factor for hypertension is the stress. This sometimes creeps in unnoticed. Stress is about external influences and emotional stress.
The following measures should be taken to reduce the internal stress. This can be achieved through more inner peace and serenity. This can be proven to cause a reduction in blood pressure. If you want to translate stress with a simple word, you can call it “pressure” or even better “overpressure” or “high pressure”. People with high blood pressure often put themselves under pressure by always doing or wanting to have everything perfect. Often they tend to overwhelm themselves with very intense, heartfelt claims.
The motto is: more serenity.
If you manage to lower the internal pressure then you will notice that the blood pressure also drops. In the following actions, you can determine in a very perfect way whether or not the proposed measures are working. Simply measure the condition with your meter before and after. In this way, you can find out which measures work best for you.
Here are some body points and some interesting breathing exercises. Measure pressure before and after treatment.
Press or massage the following points on each side of the body, as far as the points are on both sides, for about 1 minute.
LI11 at the upper outer end of the elbow flexion fold
G20 under the skull, 3 fingers away from the ear, in front of the cervical spine.
GV20 head center line, over the ear tips

LI11 lowers high blood pressure, helps with any heat, inflammation.
G20 Balances, lowers high, raises low blood pressure. Helps with headaches.
GV20 Makes the head free. Calmed down.
Initially breathe once or a few times deep and calm. After each treatment, it is important to track the effects for a few breaths.
Pe6 3 fingers behind the wrist crease, between the middle tendons
H7 in the inner hand glenoid fold, above the lower palpable tendon.
LI4 Beside the highest point of the muscle mountain, closer to the index finger.
Pe6 lowers high blood pressure, calms.
H7 Helps with restlessness, nervousness, stress, over-excitability, nervous weakness, constant action, irritability. Soothes, deepens the breath.
LI4 calms and balances.
Take a few deep breaths and feel how calm you are.

St36 Place palm on kneecap, middle finger tip outside next to shin
G34 In dent under calf head outside, laterally between bones.
LV3 In angle and depression between 1st and 2nd metatarsals
K1 sole of the foot in the middle above, just below the toe bale between the 1st and 2nd toe.
St36 Lowers high blood pressure, helps with atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders.
G34 lowers high blood pressure, is important for any stagnation
the liver energy. Bringing too much energy from the head to the legs.
LV3 lowers high blood pressure, helps with tension and tightness,
increases the elasticity of the muscles and tendons, has a soothing effect on sleep.
K1 Lowering the hypertension. Calmed down. Helps with all tension, fears, bad mood.
These points are all on legs and feet. Take a few relaxing breaths and feel the effects a little further.

The following exercise has unusually strong health benefits. The positive effects fill more than one side of DINA4, so this exercise is outstanding. Among other things, it reduces blood pressure.Emotional tensions are eliminated.
Make 20 to 40 quick breaths through the nose.
When exhaling, you breathe the air as if you want to blow out a candle with your nose. This can be helped by pushing the lower abdomen intermittently inwards.
During release and relaxing inhalation, the stomach belly expands slightly.
Keep your breathing relaxed and relaxed and do not overdo it.
Immediately attach the following breath exercise for 1 to 3 minutes. And then measure your blood pressure.
In-Out-Monitoring of the respiratory tract
The breathing exercise described below has a very soothing, relaxing effect on the whole body.
Watch your breath for 1 to 3 minutes.
And say “in” with every inhalation and “out” with every exhale.
Try to think as much as possible “in” and “out” throughout the period. Leave the breath completely to yourself.
Do not change anything, want nothing, nothing at all. Just “be ..” and watch.
Feel the wonderful power that comes when you are “unintentional”. Tell yourself: “The body already does that …”. Do not want anything, just say “in” and “out”.
You will notice that the body sometimes breathes very irregularly. Sometimes the breaths are longer, sometimes shorter, sometimes flatter, sometimes deeper, sometimes there are breaks. That is normal.
Especially after every “out”, you will find that the body can relax wonderfully by itself, more than when you want to. So you do not have to relax, not even relax, because that comes naturally. Just be…”
Variant: Feel like a small child who plays with oblivion. And forget everything around you. The breath of the child is completely independent, completely unaffected. Just think of “in” and “out” to keep you focused.
Now close your eyes and start now the small, totally relaxing exercise. “In”, “Out”, …
Then measure your blood pressure. If you have totally dropped, then your blood pressure should be significantly lower. But measure it when you have a device on hand.