English and Chinese names The names of the dots are often meaningful. Therefore, they should be put together again in lists (per meridian).On this occasion, we will also introduce you to the Chinese and English names. Choose Meridian Kidney Liver Spleen Heart Lung TW Perikard Gallbladder Small intestine Colon Stomach Bladder CV GV Menu Kidney Liver Spleen Heart Lung TW Perikard Gallbladder Small intestine Colon Stomach Bladder CV GV Kidney-Meridian English and Chinese names EnglishSmallChinesegushing springK1yongquanburning valleyK2rangu, longquangreat creek / bigger streamK3taixibig gobletK4dazhongspringK5shuiquanshining seaK6zhaohaireturning column / currentK7fuliucrossing lettersK8jiaoxinhouse guestK9zhubinyin’s valleyK10yinguhorizontal boneK11henggugreat clarityK12dahe, yinguanqi’s orificeK13qixuefour fullK14simanmiddle flowK15zhongzhuvital’s hollowK16huangshutrade’s bendK17shangqustone hingeK18shiguanyin’s metropolisK19yinduconnecting valley on the abdomenK20tonggu, futonggusecluded door / pylorusK21youmenstepping corridorK22bulangspirit’s seaK23shenfengN24K24lingxu, lingqiangspirit’s storageK25shencangamid eleganceK26yuzhonghollow residenceK27shufu To the Graphics Kidney Liver Spleen Heart Lung TW Perikard Gallbladder Small intestine Colon Stomach Bladder CV GV Menu Kidney Liver Spleen Heart Lung TW Perikard Gallbladder Small intestine Colon Stomach Bladder CV GV