
How to strengthen individual meridians and thereby dissolve energy blocks

Since every meridian also has a connection with corresponding organs, glands, etc.,

this has healing effects - targeted to precisely these areas in the body.


Small Intestine Meridian

Treatment options

Choose the points that you currently find most helpful …

SI11 sex of the sky
in the middle of the shoulder blade, in a central depression.
Helps with tension and pain in the shoulder and neck, upper arm area and chest, old psychological injuries, feeling of fullness, cough.
IMAGINE: Old emotional wounds dissolve. Shoulders relax. Breath deepens. Feel warmth and serenity.

SI9 straightness of the shoulder
1 thumb width over the top of the back armpit fold.
Helps with rheumatism, arthritis, restricted movement in the shoulder joint, reduced arm, hand, leg and foot mobility, toothache.
IMAGINE: Shoulders become free. Act relaxed. Take it easy.

SI8 Little Sea
1 thumb width above the outer end of the elbow fold, at the rear edge of the upper arm muscle.
Helps with excitement, tension, stage fright, palpitations, moodiness, depression, melancholy, neck, neck, shoulder, arm, elbow pain, stiffness, nerve weakness, overexcitation and displeasure in turns, dizziness.
IMAGINE: Pleasant wave of relaxation flows through the body. Feel light. Hover. Belly gets warm.

SI3 The rear watercourse
Outer hand edge, border red and light skin, close behind bones
Main point for tension and pain in the neck, neck and shoulders: restricted movement of the neck, hand pain, sensory disorders of the fingers and arm, twitching of the fingers, cramps, helps with depression, restlessness, anxiety, night sweats, agitation, restlessness, mood swings, sore throat, nasal congestion.
IMAGINE: Feeling connected with inner strength. Master of his own life. Back feels strong. Belly, pelvis and loins can become warm.

SI1 The small moor lake
1 mm outside the small fingernail.
Helps with nosebleeds, neck headache, fainting, lack of milk flow.
IMAGINE: wave of relaxation. As if you can see the body from above.

You can also look up all the points on the graphics and detailed descriptions at
“Points / Ordered by Meridians”.