How to strengthen individual meridians and thereby dissolve energy blocks
Since every meridian also has a connection with corresponding organs, glands, etc.,
this has healing effects - targeted to precisely these areas in the body.
6 Hand-Meridians
6 Foot-Meridians
Pericard-Channel (Pe)
Body effects
- Pericard regulates the heart, circulation, blood pressure and vessels
- nourishes and protects the heart from harmful influences
Pericard-Channel (Pe)
Treatment options
Choose the points that you currently find most helpful …
Pe3 pond in the bend
in the middle of the elbow, next to or behind the protruding tendon
Helps with restlessness, anxiety, nervousness, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia, balance problems, pain in the arm and elbow, headache.
IMAGINE: Relax, calmness spreads as if you could merge with the surroundings.
Pe6 Inner pass gate
3 cross fingers behind the wrist fold, in the middle between the middle tendons
Soothes, opens the chest, harmonizes the stomach, supports the heart and spleen, relieves pain, master point of the upper abdomen, especially useful for sadness, emotional point, regulates blood pressure, helps with excitement and anxiety, anxiety, mental disorders, insomnia, forgetfulness, weakness, wrist -, arm pain, stiff neck, painful period, bladder weakness.
IMAGINE: Breathing deepens. The chest and stomach relax. All tension and congestion can dissolve. You can feel like you are surrounded by pleasant energy.
Pe8 middle of the palm
Palm in the middle of the palm, between the 2nd and 3. Finger bones
Helps with lack of energy, feelings of cold, anxiety, feelings of oppression, uncontrolled emotions, sudden anger, slow speaking and thinking, bad breath, bad appetite, skin diseases of the hands and arms, sensitivity to the weather.
IMAGINE: Warmth, everything “negative” burns.
Pe9 energy pulse for the middle
Bleed 1 mm from the nail angle of the middle finger (ring finger side)
Helps with acute complaints of cardiovascular, reduced consciousness exhaustion, dizziness when getting up, low and high blood pressure, feelings of oppression, restlessness.
IMAGINE: Feel awake, energized and clear. (Trace).
You can also look up all the points on the graphics and detailed descriptions at
“Points / points ordered by meridians”.
Perikard-Leitbahn (Pe, KS)
Seelische Wirkungen
Mental strengths, weaknesses and special features
– cheerful, happy, awake, enthusiastic, humorous, refreshing, optimistic, tender, romantic,
– empathetic, loving, laughing with each other, enjoying love, feeling of security
– successful relationships with other people, quality and quantity of contacts
– successful communication, can truly and clearly express the heart’s desire,
– Feeling and expressing joy and what makes you happy
– or not find the full power of self-expression, but rationalize, intellectualize,
– just react, express misleadingly, project angrily, deny, withdraw, quarrel forever
– find the balance between passion and reason
Typical complaints:
restlessness, depressed and manic moods, hot palms, hot flushes, feelings of tension in the chest. Hypersensitivity, hyperexcitability, nervousness, always madly in love, strong emotional fluctuations, dramatically enthusiastic, dramatically sentimental, heart problems, insomnia, fast, strong pulse, high blood pressure.
But also superficial, light-hearted, flirtatious, senseless passions, feelings of numbness, lack of energy, dizziness, fainting, loveless, joyless, difficult to inspire, slow, weak pulse, low blood pressure