How to strengthen individual meridians and thereby dissolve energy blocks
Since every meridian also has a connection with corresponding organs, glands, etc.,
this has healing effects - targeted to precisely these areas in the body.
6 Hand-Meridians
6 Foot-Meridians
Body effects
– The liver energy ensures a harmonious, smooth, flexible flow of energy in the body
– for storing blood at rest (sleep, relaxation), quick reaction and
– Providing blood during special activity
– for the metabolism, converting molecules to fit the body,
– unusable, harmful substances are sorted out (detoxification),
– produces useful substances (e.g. for blood clotting)
– for the elasticity of the muscles and vessels enables immediate reaction, also elasticity of the nails
– Supports other organs (strengthens spleen and stomach and thus indirectly affects digestion)
– supports the eyes (eyesight, mobility of the eyes)
Opening the liver energy pathway can help with
Feeling of tension in the abdomen, especially below the costal arch,
Chest tightness, fullness,
Feeling unwell after eating, tension in the flank or stomach region, lump in the throat,
A headache. Dizziness, stiff joints,
inelastic muscles, tendons, fascia, blood vessels,
but also flaccid, over-flexible and extensible muscles and tendons, muscle cramps,
Calf cramps, tendonitis, varicose veins,
Tendency to bruise,
Inertia, gas, belching, itching of the skin, itching of the genitals,
Nervous system diseases, high blood pressure, low blood pressure,
Feeling weak in legs and feet, reddening of the head,
poor blood clotting,
Nervousness, insomnia, stress
Treatment options
Choose the points that you currently find most helpful …
LV3 Full of verve and energy
At an angle and deepening between the 1st and 2nd metatarsals
Point where the primal energy can be reached, strong, calming psychological effect, especially for tense people, suppressed anger, especially for cramps, helps with headaches, pain and tension in the chest and flanks, in the lower abdomen to the genitals area, knee pain, seizures, lumbago, visual disturbances, eye pressure, diarrhea or constipation, urine behavior, depressed mood, arousal, poor sleep, insomnia, high blood pressure, pale complexion.
IMAGINE: feel joy. Feel alive. Feel some kind of pleasure energy.
LV4 Middle Altar
From Be3 straight up in front of the ankle between the tendons
Helps with loss of appetite, flatulence after eating, cold feet, high blood pressure, involuntary urination, the point can trigger a small orgasm reflex, possibly sexual images.
IMAGINE: Deep-seated oppression, letting go of resentment. Breathing deepens. Happiness, playfulness, lust.
LV6 Middle City
2 x 4 cross fingers and a thumb’s width above the inner ankle of the foot
Helps with lower abdominal pain, menstrual disorders, diarrhea, lower leg complaints, constipation.
IMAGINE: Calm down. Breath deepens. Sovereignty. Security.
LV8 source at the bend
End of the crease at the inside of the knee in a depression in front of tendons
The main effect is to eliminate moisture from the lower heater (similar to MP9), nourishes and regulates blood, strengthens the locomotor system, helps with dizziness, cramps, poor eyesight, diarrhea, urinary behavior, involuntary urination, itching
IMAGINE: Take a deep breath, let go of stress, feel pleasure.
You can also look up all the points on the graphics and detailed descriptions at
“Points / Ordered by meridians”.
Psychological effects
Mental strengths, weaknesses and special features
– Good mood and uninhibited expression, free and unimpeded
– New beginning, breakthrough, hope, curiosity, focused on tomorrow,
– be planned, be targeted
– Liver prepares the reality of tomorrow, but only as an idea,
– it must be constantly measured against the actual reality,
– exact testing, perfection,
– include, control many possibilities of changes
– Feeling freedom, feeling of power, prestige, high standards, source of labor
Treatment applied at
– Danger of putting an imagined picture about reality, fixed ideas,
– fear of the future, not wanting to accept changes,
– feel small, feel nothing worthy, feel much less than others,
– feeling faint, lack of sense of power, feeling of prestige,
– weaken one’s reputation, be fearful, perceive reality as executioner,
– Fear of unpredictable blows of fate or punishment
– or before punishing God, great superego (tyrant),
– see mistakes as “offense”, feel guilty,
– suppressed anger, frustration, need for sacrifice,
– as if you always had to give something in return,
– often say “must”, fear of having to be absolutely good,
– feel compelled by an unknown power, feel destiny as an opponent
– Tyrannize incomplete but over-powerful information
– and have an overwhelming impact at the expense of health,
– live in the illusory world of ideas
– anger, anger, irritability, outbursts of anger, compulsions (permanent hand washing, cleaning up),
– over planning, imperative to perfection, want to be the biggest, strongest, best,
– feel overwhelmed, expectations are not easy,
– confidence in the future is low,
– spectrum of other possibilities is not included,
– experience is not evaluated,
– The future is “forced” into a planned path,
– the idea “makes” reality,
– You want to maintain outdated ideas about yourself and your reputation
– impatience, moodiness, cramped morals, religion,
– cramped worldview, (also complete absence of the same)
– lack of determination, easy distraction,
– lack of imagination, constantly changing goals and plans,
– resignation, easily upset,
– defiance and sulk, bitterness to cynicism,
– Depression and desire to die, frequent change of therapy