How to strengthen individual meridians and thereby dissolve energy blocks
Since every meridian also has a connection with corresponding organs, glands, etc.,
this has healing effects - targeted to precisely these areas in the body.

6 Hand-Meridians

6 Foot-Meridians

Large Intestine Channel
Body effects
- It is responsible for the excretion of used substances
- It has a protective function for mucous membranes
- it strengthens (defends, protects) the immune system
Imbalances can arise from external cold and wetness from below, sadness and worries, also from too much raw and cold food.
Opening the colon energy pathway can help with
Numbness, cold limbs
Dental problems (pain, gum disease),
nasal congestion, chronic runny nose,
Mucocutaneous symptoms,
Immune system problems
Large Intestine Channel
Treatment options
Choose the points that you currently find most helpful …
LI15 shoulder bones
Front of the shoulder recessed in front of the clavicle, hollow noticeable with the arm raised.
Helps with cramped shoulders, pain when lifting arms, neck and back tension, headache, migraines, eye pain, skin diseases, rashes.
PRESENT: Warmth in shoulders and arms. Feel strength. Say goodbye to everything depressing. Feel light and wide.
LI14 arm and shoulder blade
outside in front of the upper arm bone, in hollow before the beginning of the upper arm muscle (bend arm)
Helps with arm and shoulder problems, arm weakness, difficulty lifting the arm, pain in the upper arm, headache, migraine, neck pain, myopia, eye diseases.
PRESENT: Let go of all tension. Can totally relax. Feeling confident in your own strength to master things.
LI11 pond in the bend
at the upper outer end of the elbow crease
Helps with runny nose, 2nd cold stage, with any internal heat, opens the surface, sore throat, neck tightness, loss of voice, toothache, headache, migraine, tennis elbow, skin disorders, menstrual disorders, intestinal problems, constipation, appendicitis, shoulder and arm pain, high blood pressure.
IMAGINE: Breathing becomes deeper. Chest becomes wide. Belly becomes soft. Feel light and free. Feel optimistic.
LI10 Third hamlet of the hand
Three fingers before LI11
Helps with tennis elbow, arm, shoulder and headache, constipation, diarrhea, sore throat, bleeding gums, toothache, migraine, lack of energy, weakness, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure.
IMAGINE: perceive your own strength. Make yourself aware of anxiety and let go. Courage and vitality.
LI5 Yang Creek
in hollow on the side of the wrist
Helps with wrist pain, excessive sweating, itching, headache, neck tightness, allergies, eye diseases, red eyes, fever, restlessness, chest tightness, breathing disorders, circulatory disorders, palpitations, mumps.
IMAGINE: Breathing becomes deeper. Chest becomes wide. Belly becomes soft. Feel light and free. Feel optimistic.
LI4 United valleys
Highest point of the muscle mountain between the index finger and thumb
Helps with all types of pain, migraines, headache with G20, facial pain, toothache with St44, abdominal and back pain, mental fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, sore throat, first runny nose, runny nose, nasal congestion with LI20, cough, cold, flu with Lu7 and TW5, fever, chills, stiff neck, visual disturbances, irregular period, dizziness, high blood pressure with Be3, rash, acne, eczema, conjunctivitis, insomnia, restlessness, allergies.
IMAGINE: Switch off: just let go of thoughts and feelings, relax. Take a look at everything worthless. Feel comfortably relaxed.
LI1 Extreme Yang
1 mm next to the nail angle of the index finger (thumb side)
Helps with acute symptoms such as toothache, throat and throat problems, pressure on the chest, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, collapse, numb fingers, hoarseness, weariness, fever, any form of breathing disorder, facial acne (together with Lu5).
IMAGINE: Head clears, thoughts calm down. Breath flows freely through the nose into the lower abdomen.
You can also look up all the points on the graphics and detailed descriptions at
“Points / Ordered by meridians”.
Large Intestine Channel
Psychological Effects
Mental strengths, weaknesses and special features
– cleaning old thinking patterns, clearing your head for new things
– Predictability, creating products, managing products (lung: of deeds)
– Reliability, predictability
– Proud to own something (car, house, other items)
– Act and deal with numbers, data, fully grasp and understand
– Feel the joy of liberating letting go, simply letting go, – letting yourself free
– Have patience, rest, be able to linger, be able to enjoy
– Acknowledge performance
Treatment applied at
– Sluggishness, hardly any rapid changes, little energy
– live too much in having or live for having,
– forget about joie de vivre, dynamism, play, liveliness, cheerfulness, exhilaration
– Sacrifice vacation for business (for having)
– Always want to leave everything as it is, have outdated, outdated illusions,
– hanging on yesterday, neglecting tomorrow, yesterday’s structures,
– Do not perceive or allow progress
– do not want to finish something that no longer fits into the current structure
– Obesity is collecting, having, holding on to old illusions
– hold on to ideas and statements made once
– limit intellectual diversity, limit physical mobility
– Sadness, grief, depressed dreamer, hyperexcitability, insomnia, migraines