How to strengthen individual meridians and thereby dissolve energy blocks
Since every meridian also has a connection with corresponding organs, glands, etc.,
this has healing effects - targeted to precisely these areas in the body.
6 Hand-Meridians
6 Foot-Meridians
Kidney Meridian
Body effects
– The kidney energy stands for vitality, primal strength, essence (that inherited from the parents),
– premature signs of aging, rheumatic symptoms,
– premature graying,
– bad memory
– brain, back, spinal cord, bone marrow, strong bones, healthy teeth, joints,
– good hearing, shiny hair, hair growth
– water kidney ensures blood purification, urine formation,
– mineral metabolism (sodium, potassium, magnesium),
– natural excretion of liquids, natural period-making
– Fire kidney is responsible for the hormonal glands of adrenal glands (adrenaline),
– sex glands (sex drive, sexuality), pancreas, thymus,
– thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, pineal
Opening the kidney energy pathway can help with
– sensitivity to cold
– low back pain, low back pain during exertion, spinal disc wear, osteoporosis,
– bad teeth, weak knees or ankle cuffs, joint pain,
– night sweats,
– terrible, fearful,
– lack of will, listless, boredom, fearful, shy, self-contained,
– premature signs of aging, rheumatic symptoms,
– hair loss, premature graying, hearing loss,
– fluid build-up (edema, effusion or swelling),
– urinary and kidney problems, menstrual problems, prostate problems,
– Dizziness
Kidney Meridian
Treatment options
Choose the points that you currently find most helpful …
K3 beginning of brook
Between the inner ankle and Achilles tendon, center in the recess, 3 o’clock direction
Strengthens essence, effect goes directly to the primal energy, strengthens bones and marrow, strengthens lumbar region and knees, with any kidney weakness, brings energy from the head to the legs, strengthens lumbar and knees, warms feet, helps with poor sexual fulfillment, impotence, insomnia , Fears, tiredness, sleepiness, sighing, frequent yawning, fatigue, instability, weak menstrual bleeding, menstrual disorders, pain or weakness in the lower back, in the loins, in the lower abdomen, in the genital area, in the legs, in the ankle, toothache, rheumatism, muscle cramps , Head pressure, buzzing in the ears, difficulty breathing, sore throat, narrowness, urinary behavior, involuntary urination, cold hands or feet.
IMAGINE: Feet can get warm. Belly relaxes. Quiet.
K6 The sea of enlightenment
Indentation just under the inner ankle
Balances yin and yang throughout the body, moisturizes (nourishes body fluids) soothes or revitalizes, soothes the mind, cold feet or hands, movement disorders, pain, swelling, sprains of the inner ankle, weakness, fatigue, sluggishness, sleepiness, insomnia, weight loss, sexual listlessness , Impotence, overexcitation, frightfulness, anxiety, irritability, depression, sadness, urinary behavior, frequent urination, prostate problems, all types of menstrual disorders, neck tightness.
IMAGINE: relaxation. Lustful power. Let yourself drift.
K1 Fizzy spring
Sole of the foot in the upper middle, just under the toe pads between the 1st and 2nd toe
Regulates and strengthens energy, frees sensory openings, emergency point when fainting, helps with headache, dizziness, nosebleeds, sunstroke, shock, heat stroke, stroke, anxiety, sleep disorders, forgetfulness, irritability, cramps, calf cramps, back and neck tension, bad mood, acts as a calming acupressure point at the beginning or end of treatment.
IMAGINE: wave of relaxation. Feel safe and anchored.
You can also look up all the points on the graphics and detailed descriptions at
“Points / Ordered by meridians”.
Kidney Meridian
Psychological effects
Mental strengths, weaknesses and special features
– willpower, love ability, sexual desire, tenderness,
– Passion, ability to orgasm
– deep relaxation, restful sleep, regeneration
– healthy return, strength of experience, inner peace,
– think calmly, look carefully,
– really look behind and judge, openly question like a child,
– set aside prejudice,
– consider impartially, leave what has not proven itself,
– can integrate the new,
– continuously include all experiences that accept as true what is reality,
– “be washed with all water”,
– courageously solving yesterday’s problems,
– Find support in yourself, also perceive the unconscious
Treatment applied at
– Pressure, rigid, forever yesterday, fear (unconsciously warded off impulses,
– don’t look or listen,
– don’t listen to oneself, hardly any activity, see no way out,
– have no goal, see no sense
– no consequences from yesterday, resignation, no counterforce,
– do not filter out the wrong, step on the spot,
– don’t compare imagination with reality,
– have no position of their own, do not clarify yesterday