How to strengthen individual meridians and thereby dissolve energy blocks
Since every meridian also has a connection with corresponding organs, glands, etc.,
this has healing effects - targeted to precisely these areas in the body.
6 Hand-Meridians
6 Foot-Meridians
Body effects
– The heart distributes blood, energy expands (the heart rules the blood)
– warms the organism
– creates vitality (lack of vitality, unhappy, depressed, emotional shocks,
– also sadness = lung influence on the heart, also anger = liver influence on the heart,
– constant excitement exhausts the heart)
– The skin color “shines”, the eyes shine (the heart “houses the mind”)
Opening the heart-energy pathway can help with
Emotional situations or permanent states:
Stress, irrational behavior, inability to communicate clearly, lack of control, forgetfulness, poor memory, imbalance between emotions, strong one-sided, violent emotions, nervous, restless, impatient, turns as quickly as he turns away, exuberant joy, ” everything is so great, “
But also on guard, fear, stage fright, wants to have everything under control, even taciturn, cannot express itself clearly, indecisively, indifferently, dull, joyless, dead serious, understands no fun, hardly enthuses, despondent, little ambition, sleep complaints: Insomnia, speaks quickly, often incessantly, speaks in sleep, restless sleep, excessive need for sleep,
Other: heart problems, circulatory disorders, palpitations, high blood pressure
Treatment options
Choose the points that you currently find most helpful …
H1 Foremost source
in the deepest point of the armpit (avoid artery and main nerve cord)
Helps with shallow breathing, cold arms, arm pain, depressed mood.
IMAGINE: Relax, feel wide and clear, let go of thoughts, feel warmth.
H3 The little sea
Bend your arm, between the end of the crease and a pointed bony mound (epicondyle), in a deepening
Helps with restlessness, nervousness, forgetfulness, sleep disorders, lack of drive, depressive moods, neurotic crises, fatigue, stress, dizziness, elbow pain, tennis elbow, cold hands, stiff neck, headache, toothache, nerve pain, test anxiety, weariness. IMAGINE: Make disturbing feelings aware and then let go. Warmth, feelings of healing, zest for life.
H7 The road to serenity
in the inner wrist fold, above the lower palpable tendon
Helps with restlessness, nervousness, stress, hyperexcitability, nervous weakness, constant need to do things, irritability, mania as well as with depression, anxiety, indifference, absences, fearfulness, examination anxiety, addiction, large changes in mood, sleep disorders, insomnia, hot or cold hands, poor memory, wrist pain.
IMAGINE: Just let go, feel good, be satisfied, feel connected, relax.
H9 Lost momentum
1 mm next to the small finger nail inside and below flat or against the meridian course, possibly bleeding
Press first aid point for stroke, fainting, shock, dizziness in emergencies with your fingernail. PRESENT: Calm down, feel strengthened and calm.
You can also look up all the points on the graphics and detailed descriptions at
“Points / Ordered by meridians”.
Psychological effects
Mental strengths, weaknesses and special features
– Clarity of consciousness, alertness of the mind, the whole, the unity, main center for all feelings
– joy (happy atmosphere strengthens the heart), bonfire, cheerfulness, communication center,
– Divide harmony, trust, positive self-image, courage (“I am who I am”), also wait
– harmony, equal treatment, equal rights for all, opening understanding,
– the heart connects all, common sense, element connecting all interests, accepting,
– can connect all different directions and influences, can allow
– can say yes to everything, accept
– full affirmation without resistance, do not exclude positions,
– give everyone their freedom, all aspects are equally important, find common positions,
– find a point of view from which everything can be loved,
– convince, do not persuade, do not subjugate,
– Motivation, insight instead of conversion, relieves fear and pressure, tightness and threat,
– builds on mutuality, not on coercion, complement each other,
– keep an eye on the whole, feel happy as a whole,
– Overview of the whole, loving means understanding the opposite
– trust that there is always the right task, the right partner, the possible solution,
– do not impose anything, every interest always finds its answer,
– Courage, trust that there is something suitable for everything,
– be able to love yourself (coronary arteries as a symbol that the heart also cares for itself),
– be able to feed yourself, unconditional love for yourself and others,
– be able to express something of your own
– sympathy, together striving, wanting,
– Here and now feelings, reality instead of illusions, shaping today, letting go of yesterday’s burdens,
– Dream of tomorrow not in the foreground, will for clarity, courage in today,
– Perceiving, affirming perceived gives self-assurance, makes you strong and free
– Am I really noticeable today? I can only really live today
Treatment applied at
Want to maintain certain points of view under all circumstances, expectation that everything always stays that way, constraints arise, compulsive acts, victim delusion, fixed ideas and rules, “one” does not take care of oneself enough