
How to strengthen individual meridians and thereby dissolve energy blocks

Since every meridian also has a connection with corresponding organs, glands, etc.,

this has healing effects - targeted to precisely these areas in the body.



Treatment Options

Choose the points that are currently most helpful to you …

G30 Jumping in circles
Thighbone insertion and coccyx, in-line, 1/3 from coccyx.
Helps with sciatica, low back pain, nerve and muscle tension, hip joint problems, rheumatism, energy blockage in the channels, puffy, red, swollen arms and legs.
INTRODUCTION: Feeling like a lusty inner child. Emotional oppression can be eliminated. Just let anger go.

G31 Palace of the Wind
while standing, hands hanging, at the back of the bone (femur)
Relaxes tendons, strengthens bones, relieves itching, important in skin diseases, helps with bacon, drive weakness, weak, tired, powerless muscle-weak legs, calf cramps, tingling, nerve tension, headache, swollen, reddened eyes.
INTRODUCING: Power, dynamics, speed. Get rid of old trouble. Courage.

G34 spring on the sunlit hill
In dent under the thick fibula head outside
Brings energy from the head and stomach into legs, half-face headache. Migraine, strengthens muscles, helps with nervousness, lability, pain and cramps in the knee joint, in the thighs, tension in the shoulders, chest and flanks, in diseases of the gallbladder, indigestion, feeling of fullness.
IMAGINE: To feel safe and strong. To feel determination.

G39 mug of worries
2 times 3 fingers across the outer malleolus
Master point for marrow and bones, supports essence, energy, from the head, neck and trunk is directed into the legs, helps with colds, nasal congestion, head, neck and neck shoulder pain or tension, sleepy legs and feet, tingling, Cervical, pain in bones and joints rheumatic nature, in bad mood, tension and fullness in abdomen and chest, loss of appetite, depression, urinary disorders, hemorrhoids, change of heat and cold.
IMAGINE: Just worry and drop unnecessary thoughts. Feeling serenity. Feel joy.

G40 field on the hill
close to and below the outer malleolus, in the depression
Helps with wandering body aches, balance disorders, dizziness, regular symptoms, headache, toothache, insomnia, joint disease and rheumatism, neck, neck, armpit swelling, bloating, reddened, painful eyes, supports pregnancy, supports the belt (liver, Spleen), in the absence of milk secretion, mastitis, conjunctivitis.
INTRODUCTION: Knees can relax wonderfully. Relaxation spreads in the leg. Feel mobility. Serenity.

You can also check all the points on the graphics and the detailed descriptions under
“Points / Points to Channels”.

The Liver-Meridian


It begins at the inner nail angle of the big toe, runs over the back of the foot, turns in front of the inner knuckle of the foot to the inner leg, there up to the groin, circumvents the external genitals, running along the side of the belly to the 11th rib of the rib cage. Other internal branches connect to the liver, gall bladder, stomach, ribcage, throat, throat, nose, eyes, pituitary and vertex of the head where it joins the handlebar vessel.


The main task of the liver meridian is the regulation of energy throughout the body.

It ensures sufficient flexibility:
Stores up to 20% of the blood (resting state) to provide it quickly when needed (sports etc.).
Makes the blood vessels, muscles and tendons elastic.
Has a controlling influence on the peripheral nervous system.
Makes eyes move.
It supports spleen and stomach,
converts foreign substances into the body’s own substances.
It detoxifies the blood in foreign matter such as drugs, alcohol, etc.
Stores hormones like adrenaline or thyroxine and vitamins A, B, D, E and K.

Mental Tasks

The liver is helpful in harmonizing the emotions.
(see section Psychology)

Physical complaints

In healthy liver energy, there is a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.

A strengthening of the liver energy is announced at
Dizziness, tinnitus and headache
Tension in the abdomen, tightness in the chest, feeling of fullness,
Tension in the flank or abdominal region, the lump in the neck,
Stiff joints, inelastic muscles, tendons, fascia, blood vessels,
but also flaccid, over-flexible and distensible muscles and tendons,
Muscle cramps, calf cramps, tendonitis,
varicose veins,
Tendency to bruises,
Constipation, bloating, belching, nausea, diarrhea, constipation
such as itchy skin, itching of the genitals, psoriasis, brittle nails
Diseases of the nervous system,
Hypertension low blood pressure,
Weakness in legs and feet,
Redness of the head,
bad blood clotting,
Menstrual cramps,
a reduction in eyesight, myopia