Strengthen meridians as a whole (meridian therapy)
Healing breath

Breath Therapy
Breathing is very significant
Breathing plays a very important role when it comes to getting well or maintaining health, calming down or balancing thoughts and feelings, getting well or falling asleep. The breath changes with the feelings, so that the breath of a person’s emotional state can be recognized.
Breathing is so significant and so effective that it should not be missing from any healing plan!
Especially switching to soothing rest is often difficult nowadays. It comes to stress, sleep disorders, tension in the neck, in the shoulder area, intestinal complaints, etc.
When we breathe in more oxygen into the lungs through proper breathing and thus into the circulation and eventually into all the cells of the body, the muscles gain more strength and the heart does not need to beat faster and stronger. The brain is better perfused and thus more efficient. The hormone production works better, less stress hormones are produced, etc. There is more peace, balance and strength.
That is interesting:
The movement of the diaphragm plays a particularly important role in breathing:
The vagus nerve runs through the diaphragm. which ensures calming and relaxing in the body. It is the most important nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system, which ensures calming and relaxing of the body.
With proper diaphragmatic breathing, the diaphragm moves 2 to 3 centimeters down each inhalation. This stimulates the vagus nerve.
This stimulation causes a release of neurotransmitters in the brain.
This in turn causes a relaxation throughout the body to all cells.
This is especially true for the heart. It has been found that the heart rate decreases when soothing.
Diaphragmatic breathing is thus a calming, relaxing breathing. It contributes to a balanced, harmonious, soothing attitude.
The opposite applies:
If one does not move the diaphragm while breathing, or only slightly, it has very far-reaching, detrimental consequences for the whole body:
The vagus nerve is not or hardly stimulated, resulting in no or only a slight sedation or relaxation during breathing.
The relaxation stays off, stress remains.
The abdominal organs are not sufficiently massaged.
The frequency of the heartbeat remains elevated.
Sleep remains superficial.
Breathing heals without tablets
This has not really gotten around in most practices so far. In many cases, the drugs are discussed with their many side effects. One way to a more natural healing method are the breathing exercises, because it can significantly reduce the tablet intake or even be discontinued. In any case, it occupies a very significant place in the newly developed meridian therapy, which is made up of proven, millennia-old techniques. Respiratory techniques applied regularly can even improve what else is prescribed for life-long tablets (with side effects) such as the common high blood pressure or diabetes or atherosclerosis.
Breathing and stress and high blood pressure
Hypertension is often compounded by chronic stress. This means that the connective tissue and muscles are permanently overstretched. The chest wall is no longer flexible and this leads to a shallow breathing. </ U> If a proper breathing manages to relieve the stress, then you can also reduce or even eliminate high blood pressure.
We have often learned that just taking a deep breath can be enough to relax a short-term pent-up stress. The body switches to the calming parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to a relaxation of the nervous system and thus to a greater flexibility of the muscles and connective tissue.
On the other hand, sustained stress sustainably stimulates the sympathetic nerve, which in the long run can cause many complaints. A relaxing, soothing breathing exercise leads to a healthy balance and inner center.
Shallow breath
The air exchange takes place with the shallow breath more in the upper part of the lung.
As a result, the air exchange is severely limited. 2/3 of the people have a shallow breath.
The consequences:
– Up to 10 times (!) reduced air exchange
– 50% to 80% (!) Less energy is available to the body
– less exchange of nutrients in the cells
– tiredness, fast fatigue
– limited brain power (brain needs 80% of the inhaled oxygen)
– headache, dizziness
– Lymph flows more slowly through the body, which makes internal cleaning difficult
– Indigestion
– bad mood, fears, irritability, stress, negative thinking, inner disharmony
The opposite applies:
If one does not move the diaphragm while breathing, or only slightly, it has very far-reaching, detrimental consequences for the whole body:
The vagus nerve is not or hardly stimulated, resulting in no or only a slight sedation or relaxation during breathing.
The relaxation stays off, stress remains.
The abdominal organs are not sufficiently massaged.
The frequency of the heartbeat remains elevated.
Sleep remains superficial.
Full breath
With a complete breath, the air exchange also takes place in the larger, lower lung area. The diaphragm is turned down more. The abdominal bulges out clearly when inhaled. Likewise, the sides and a little bit the back are widening. You can watch the full breath right down to the back very well with a small child who is sitting on the ground forgetting himself.
With full breath, the lower part of the lung plays a central role because it accounts for 80% of lung capacity. To fully utilize this capacity, it is important to train the diaphragm.
A complete breath means:
– more quality of life,
– greater capacity,
– more health and
– living in more harmony with oneself and with the environment.
With regular training you can achieve full breathing. It’s like riding a bike. When you have learned it, it goes by itself.
A wealth of breathing techniques to choose from
Here is a wealth of breathing techniques have been put together. You can have respiratory exercises as a preliminary or final treatment.
It is best if you yourself try all or most of the techniques yourself. And then you practice the exercises you have chosen with the clients. The effectiveness of respiratory therapies is sometimes immediately noticeable, as in the case of exercise therapies, they mostly only develop their healing power after they have been repeated, in a regular use.
An interesting field of research for self-testing is available with the following respiratory therapies. Have fun with your own tests! You may soon discover some standard exercises for yourself and your clients.
The selected respiratory therapies should be done daily. You will quickly realize that you have become sustainably calmer and more relaxed and have more energy.