There are not only 4, but 5 elements. Which are they?
– Make 5 circles in a circle and arrange the 5 elements!
– Enter in the 5 circles the corresponding organs!
– Assign the usual color to each element!
– Justify the order of the elements!
– Explain what mother-child relationship means!
– Call the mother-organ of the heart!
Justification and practical application
The nutrition cycle is used for emptiness, weakness states:
Water nourishes plants and produces wood. (Kidney feeds liver)
Wood can be ignited and feeds fire. (Liver feeds heart)
Fire leads to ashes and nourishes soil. (Heart feeds spleen)
Earth feeds ores (metal). (Spleen feeds lung)
Metal enriches water. (Lung feeds kidneys)
Mother-child relationship:
If the child is weakened, then it can be strengthened by the mother.
Example: If the kidney energy is weakened (osteoprosis, crutches, rheumatic complaints), then you will treat kidney lead points. But it can also help the mother: One selects on the kidney channel therefore the lung energy point (metal point) K7!
Man tonifies (strengthens) the energy that nourishes the water. In other words, when the oxygen supply (mother, metal, lung) is strengthened, it also strengthens the kidneys (child, water).
The same applies to the spleen (digestion, earth) through heart energy (fire), the heart (the circulation) is nourished by the liver energy (wood), etc.
Mother points strengthen the child energy.
You can see which points on each interconnect are the corresponding element points in the menu under Special, and there under the keyword Element Points.
The mother-organ of the heart:
Heart belongs to the fire element. The mother of the fire is the wood, so the liver.
The liver belongs to the wood element. The mother of the wood is the water, so the kidney.
Proceed accordingly for exercise …
To memorize, you can also reverse the process with the son organ.
Question: Does the cycle only apply to yin organs (lungs, spleen, heart, etc.)?
The cycle refers to yin organs and yang organs (see below). The assignment to the individual elements is done as follows:
The two channels Triple Heater and Pericard are assigned to the Fire Element.
Question: Are there any other cycles?
There are usually 3 cycles: nutritional cycle, fatigue cycle, control cycle
What is the nutrition cycle?
This is the one we have already encountered in the previous question: the mother-son cycle
See the graphic in the previous question in a clockwise direction. Wood strengthens (nourishes, produces) fire etc.
It is strengthened on the Son Route of Mother Point.
For example, on the cardiac track the wood point (H9) is stimulated.
See the graphic Inner hand Element points under menu item Special, Element points
What is the fatigue cycle?
This is the reverse cycle, the son-mother cycle
See graphic above counterclockwise.
Used in filling, overheating conditions (inflammation caused by too much, for example).
Overheating reduces the energy of the predecessor.
What is the control cycle?
Here one element is skipped at a time
Wood controls earth,
Earth controls water,
Water controls fire,
Fire controls metal,
Metal controls wood.
The grandmother controls the grandson.
For example, in hot flashes (fire, heart) the grandmother has to go back from the fire, the water
take more control of the fire.
On the heart meridian, the water point (H8) must be stimulated. It is a sedation point.
Question: Assign the 5 yang organs to the 5 yin organs!
– Enter the yang organs in the 5 circles!
– Briefly describe the function of the yang organs!
Physical: collecting and leaving urine
Psychic: Eliminate unused feelings (disharmony, stress, guilt, etc.).
Small intestine:
Physical: Separate useful and unusable components of food.
Psychic: Ability to pronounced yes or no.
Physical: food intake, processing and distribution.
Psychic: Ability to adequately process recorded (challenges, etc.).
Physical: is involved in the digestion of fats.
Psychologically: What the body does not do well, bravely reject.
Physical: excretion of used substances, strengthens the immune system.
Psychic: Clean old thinking patterns, make head free for new things.
Question: Sketch the control cycle for the 5 elements!
– Enter the yin organs in the 5 circles!
– Draw the control arrows correctly!
– How do the elements (organs) control themselves ?!
– Make it clear by 2 examples!
Control function:
Just as there can be a lack of energy, so there is the possibility of over-functioning. The energy has to be controlled, that means regulated. This function is performed by the elements (organs) as follows:
Water extinguishes fire (kidney energy lowers too much heartfire), fire melts metal (heart energy can control the lungs), metal cuts wood (lung energy can affect the liver), wood controls the earth (tree roots structure earth and remove nutrients, liver energy controls the spleen) Earth controls water (spleen energy controls the moisture in the body).
Too much anger (wood, liver) restricts digestion (earth, spleen, stomach). A digestive problem can therefore be treated by lowering the liver energy (wood). Heart problems (due to too much stress) can be corrected by treating the control organ. These are the kidneys (water). So it is interesting that you do not start with the heart, but with the renal energy (water), because a kidney energy weakness can not properly exercise the control function of the heart. The cause of this kind of heart trouble is not the heart, but the weakened kidney energy.
Question: Which 3 meridians are on the palm and inner arm?
Which are the fire points?
Which are the earth points?
Which are the metal points?
Which are the water points?
Which are the wood points?
Run on the palm and inner arm
Meridians of lungs, pericardium and heart
Fire: Lu10, Pe8, H8
Earth: Lu9, Pe7, H7
Metal: Lu8, Pe5, H4
Water: Lu5, Pe3, H3 (Sea points at the wrist joint)
Wood: Lu11, Pe9, H9
Question: Which 3 meridians are on the outer hand and outer arm?
Which are the fire points?
Which are the earth points?
Which are the metal points?
Which are the water points?
Which are the wood points?
On the outer hand and outer arm run
Small intestine meridians, triple heater, large intestine
Fire: SI5, TW6, LI5
Earth: SI8, TW10, LI11 (Sea points at the elbow)
Metal: SI1, TW1, LI1
Water: SI2, TW2, LI2
Wood: SI3, TW3, LI3
Question: Which 3 meridians are on the inner leg and inner leg?
Which are the fire points?
Which are the earth points?
Which are the metal points?
Which are the water points?
Which are the wood points?
Run on the inner foot and inner leg
Meridians of liver, spleen-pancreas, kidney
Fire: LV2, Sp2, K2
Earth: LV3, Sp3, K3
Metal: LV4, Sp5, K7
Water: LV8, Sp9, K10 (sea points at the knee)
Wood: LV1, Sp1, K1
Question: Which 3 meridians are on the outer foot and outer leg?
Which are the fire points?
Which are the earth points?
Which are the metal points?
Which are the water points?
Which are the wood points?
At the outer foot and outer leg run
Meridians of bladder, bile, stomach
Fire: B60, G38, St41
Earth: B40, G34, St36 (Sea points at the knee)
Metal: B67, G44, St45
Water: B66, G43, St44
Wood: B65, G41, St43